Once a place for educating citizens, the university is increasingly giving in to the overwhelming weight of neoliberalism. While democracy is giving way to post-democratic and populist regimes wherein democratic forms are preserved while its substance is abandoned, the university is progressively adopting formalistic approaches for the mass-production of useful workers, self-centered individuals incapable of critical and independent thought. These narcissistic individuals (“idiots,” in the sense of the Greek ἴδιον) fail to assume their role as tolerant, participative, and emphatic citizens. This work traces the parallels between the political and the academic, asserting that, in the end, both rest on the same rejection of a robust notion of...
The articulation between curriculum and identity project – otherness as the same – is not uncommon i...
The present study reviews the fundamental concepts of the reformist Latin American university (publi...
En los albores del siglo XX los cambios políticos y sociales dieron un giro trascendental en la form...
The advance of Neoliberalism (current of political thought based on ultra-individualism) has a negat...
La historia política de nuestro país repercutió en las universidades, que no pudieron sustraerse a l...
El trabajo intenta mostrar un proceso de desintegración estatal, al que teóricamente denominamos des...
Una campaña contra la persecución a miembros del sindicato de la Metropolitan University of Manchest...
Diverse contemporary theories of democracy have put the emphasis on the tensions that arise for citi...
Es importante advertir cómo las instituciones educativas están aplicando políticas reformistas neoli...
El momento histórico es de resistencias, pero la recolonización no quiere ceder espacios. La univers...
O presente estudo de caráter ensaístico discute o sofrimento psíquico em estudantes de pós-graduação...
Neoliberalism, politically and economically leading doctrine, turns market into its only reference o...
Este artículo se desarrolla a partir de dos interrogantes. El primero es cómo pensar el orden de dom...
The present academic work is developed under the objective of a critical analysis linked to the rela...
The proposal of this work is to think our University as a place of memory whose task and mission foc...
The articulation between curriculum and identity project – otherness as the same – is not uncommon i...
The present study reviews the fundamental concepts of the reformist Latin American university (publi...
En los albores del siglo XX los cambios políticos y sociales dieron un giro trascendental en la form...
The advance of Neoliberalism (current of political thought based on ultra-individualism) has a negat...
La historia política de nuestro país repercutió en las universidades, que no pudieron sustraerse a l...
El trabajo intenta mostrar un proceso de desintegración estatal, al que teóricamente denominamos des...
Una campaña contra la persecución a miembros del sindicato de la Metropolitan University of Manchest...
Diverse contemporary theories of democracy have put the emphasis on the tensions that arise for citi...
Es importante advertir cómo las instituciones educativas están aplicando políticas reformistas neoli...
El momento histórico es de resistencias, pero la recolonización no quiere ceder espacios. La univers...
O presente estudo de caráter ensaístico discute o sofrimento psíquico em estudantes de pós-graduação...
Neoliberalism, politically and economically leading doctrine, turns market into its only reference o...
Este artículo se desarrolla a partir de dos interrogantes. El primero es cómo pensar el orden de dom...
The present academic work is developed under the objective of a critical analysis linked to the rela...
The proposal of this work is to think our University as a place of memory whose task and mission foc...
The articulation between curriculum and identity project – otherness as the same – is not uncommon i...
The present study reviews the fundamental concepts of the reformist Latin American university (publi...
En los albores del siglo XX los cambios políticos y sociales dieron un giro trascendental en la form...