Proton-rich nuclei beyond the N = Z line play a key role in our understanding of astrophysics, weakinteraction physics, and nuclear structure. The decay of 69Kr (Tz = −3/2) is of particular interest as it populates states in the proton-unbound nucleus 69Br, critical to the rapid proton-capture (rp) process thought to power type I x-ray bursts. During the astrophysical rp process, 2p-capture reactions through 69Br can bypass the "waiting-point" nucleus 68Se [1]. The bypass-reaction rate depends strongly on the proton-capture Q value. A -decay experiment was conducted at GANIL which utilized implant- -proton and - correlations to study nuclear structure and decay properties primarily related to the decays of 69,70,71Kr. Neutron-deficient isot...