Summary Surgical treatment of the benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is nowadays realized through the transurethral (~70%), transvesical (~20%) approach and the minim invasive (~10%) methods. So the open surgery as the endoscopic one in followed by a set of complications o fan obstructive type, like: urethral stricture, sclerosis of the bladder neck restant of the adenoma tissues. The aim of this work is to present the etiological incidence of the urethral stricturers, a complication which appears after the surgical treatment of a BPH. Obiective. Tratamentul chirurgical al adenomului de prostată se realizează actualmente pe cale transuretrală (~70%), transvezicală (~20%) şi miniminvazivă (~10%). Indicaţiile intervenţiei deschise au devenit b...
Summary. During last years urology demonstrates considerable successes, the endovascular surgery is...
Summary. A successful case of surgical treatment of Bilateral Orchiopexie with Petrivalchi-Shumahe...
Nekada smo benignu hiperplaziju prostate smatrali glavnim uzrokom problema s mokrenjem kod muškaraca...
Catedra de Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF ”N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul...
Summary. During last ten years the incidence of urethral strictures in urology departments from Mol...
Secţia urologie IMSP SCM „Sfânta Treime”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal ...
Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant...
Summary The work is dedicated to comparative analysis of results of surgery treatment in patients w...
Summary Selective α1-adrenoblokers are trought promising in curent conservative treatment of benign...
Introduction: Benign prostate hyperplasia has a high prevalence in people over 50 years of age. In t...
Secţia Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplan...
Summary The aim of our work was to offer our experience in the process of curing the adenoma prosta...
Summary During 6 month 15 patients with BPH were treated with Prostamo®Uno, 320mg, daily. In this t...
Au fost studiate comparativ posibilităţile metodelor de sutură microchirurgicală şi atraumatică a fa...
În lucrare este făcută analiza veridicităţii diagnosticului cu ultrasunet a 138 de pacienţi cu icter...
Summary. During last years urology demonstrates considerable successes, the endovascular surgery is...
Summary. A successful case of surgical treatment of Bilateral Orchiopexie with Petrivalchi-Shumahe...
Nekada smo benignu hiperplaziju prostate smatrali glavnim uzrokom problema s mokrenjem kod muškaraca...
Catedra de Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF ”N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul...
Summary. During last ten years the incidence of urethral strictures in urology departments from Mol...
Secţia urologie IMSP SCM „Sfânta Treime”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal ...
Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant...
Summary The work is dedicated to comparative analysis of results of surgery treatment in patients w...
Summary Selective α1-adrenoblokers are trought promising in curent conservative treatment of benign...
Introduction: Benign prostate hyperplasia has a high prevalence in people over 50 years of age. In t...
Secţia Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplan...
Summary The aim of our work was to offer our experience in the process of curing the adenoma prosta...
Summary During 6 month 15 patients with BPH were treated with Prostamo®Uno, 320mg, daily. In this t...
Au fost studiate comparativ posibilităţile metodelor de sutură microchirurgicală şi atraumatică a fa...
În lucrare este făcută analiza veridicităţii diagnosticului cu ultrasunet a 138 de pacienţi cu icter...
Summary. During last years urology demonstrates considerable successes, the endovascular surgery is...
Summary. A successful case of surgical treatment of Bilateral Orchiopexie with Petrivalchi-Shumahe...
Nekada smo benignu hiperplaziju prostate smatrali glavnim uzrokom problema s mokrenjem kod muškaraca...