Pelajar adalah aset berharga yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia karena merupakan harapan serta cahaya baru agar negara ini bisa menjadi sebuah negara yang maju dan dapat bersaing serta menjadi salah satu negara yang mempengaruhi peradaban dari berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat secara global. Semakin maraknya fenomena tawuran antar pelajar sekolah yang disebabkan oleh faktor kecil, sampai perbuatan yang masuk dalam kategori tindak pidana serius yang efeknya dapat merusak tatanan generasi penerus bangsa. Penyalahgunaan narkotika yang dilakukan oleh pelajar SMA menempati urutan tertinggi (61.9%) dari semua jenjang pendidikan. Tingginya angka penyalahgunaan narkotika dikalangan pelajar SMA hal ini menimbulkan keprihatinan dan kekhawatiran ya...
Nowadays drugs have become a scourge for society and the government as something that is very danger...
Kenakalan remaja dan bahaya narkotika di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah atas memang perlu mendapatk...
Maraknya kasus narkoba di kalangan remaja yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya sehingga bersifat urg...
Pelajar adalah aset berharga yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia karena merupakan harapan serta caha...
Teenagers are the nation's next generation of young people in globalization in the era of the indust...
Narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances (NAPZA) are substances or drugs derived ...
ABSTRAK Narkoba atau NAPZA merupakan tantangan serius bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Kurangnya penget...
Education Computing and management knowledge is very important related to the human ability to acces...
The misuse and circulation of illicit drugs is a widespread, complex, and complex issue facing the I...
Adolescents are the next generation of the nation who must be guarded from morally destructive behav...
Community service activities has a title “Guidance the Dangers of Drug for Teenager through Affectiv...
NAPZA stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics, and other Addictive Substances. The use of drugs is very ...
Drug abuse as an extraordinary crime is carried out by involving many countries and a very large net...
The phenomenon of adolescents involved with drug abuse is a worrying and very serious issue. The inf...
The problem of rational drug use in the community, especially among students, is still minimal. The ...
Nowadays drugs have become a scourge for society and the government as something that is very danger...
Kenakalan remaja dan bahaya narkotika di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah atas memang perlu mendapatk...
Maraknya kasus narkoba di kalangan remaja yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya sehingga bersifat urg...
Pelajar adalah aset berharga yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia karena merupakan harapan serta caha...
Teenagers are the nation's next generation of young people in globalization in the era of the indust...
Narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances (NAPZA) are substances or drugs derived ...
ABSTRAK Narkoba atau NAPZA merupakan tantangan serius bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Kurangnya penget...
Education Computing and management knowledge is very important related to the human ability to acces...
The misuse and circulation of illicit drugs is a widespread, complex, and complex issue facing the I...
Adolescents are the next generation of the nation who must be guarded from morally destructive behav...
Community service activities has a title “Guidance the Dangers of Drug for Teenager through Affectiv...
NAPZA stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics, and other Addictive Substances. The use of drugs is very ...
Drug abuse as an extraordinary crime is carried out by involving many countries and a very large net...
The phenomenon of adolescents involved with drug abuse is a worrying and very serious issue. The inf...
The problem of rational drug use in the community, especially among students, is still minimal. The ...
Nowadays drugs have become a scourge for society and the government as something that is very danger...
Kenakalan remaja dan bahaya narkotika di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah atas memang perlu mendapatk...
Maraknya kasus narkoba di kalangan remaja yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya sehingga bersifat urg...