Latar Belakang: Bagi perempuan, perineum sangatlah penting. Peregangan dan robekan pada perineum selama proses persalinan dapat melemahkan otot – otot dasar panggul pada dinding vagina. Trauma pada perineum juga menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman dan nyeri pada saat berhubungan seksual. Diperkirakan 85% ibu bersalin mengalami robekan jalan lahirTujuan: Diketahui pengaruh pemberian putih telur ayam rebus terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum.Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan Pretest-Posttest Control Group design, penelitian dilakukan diwilayah kerja puskesmas serupa indah, sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 ibu nifas dengan pembaguan 16 intervensi, 16 kontrol, penelitian ini dilakukan...
Background : In the spontaneous labor, Ruptur of the perineum is the risk faced by every woman. Pr...
Latar Belakang Kematian ibu di Indonesia umumnya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, luka peri...
Abstract: Eggs, Postpartum, Luka perineum, Hemoglobin. Labor or birth is a normal physiological occu...
Latar Belakang: Bagi perempuan, perineum sangatlah penting. Peregangan dan robekan pada perineum sel...
Background : Chicken eggs are a food that has a high protein content. Types of eggs commonly consume...
Background : Chicken eggs are a food that has a high protein content. Types of eggs commonly consume...
Perineal laceration is trauma to the perineum due to tearing of the birth canal or due to an episiot...
Injuries after childbirth are one of the causes of labour infections among other causes. Factors tha...
10percent of maternal mortality during the postpartum period are caused by infection due to bleeding...
One of the ways perineal wounds can be cured is with good nutrition, especially those high in protei...
Postpartum is a period of recovery of reproductive organs that undergo changes during pregnancy and ...
The infection can cause the death of 1 in 10 mothers undergoing the postpartum period. This is partl...
Background: Perineal wound is a tear that occurs in the perineum during delivery and occurs in almos...
Perineal injury is a predisposing factor for postpartum infections. This form of infection varies an...
Accelerated healing of perineal suture wounds during the puerperium is expected to prevent postpartu...
Background : In the spontaneous labor, Ruptur of the perineum is the risk faced by every woman. Pr...
Latar Belakang Kematian ibu di Indonesia umumnya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, luka peri...
Abstract: Eggs, Postpartum, Luka perineum, Hemoglobin. Labor or birth is a normal physiological occu...
Latar Belakang: Bagi perempuan, perineum sangatlah penting. Peregangan dan robekan pada perineum sel...
Background : Chicken eggs are a food that has a high protein content. Types of eggs commonly consume...
Background : Chicken eggs are a food that has a high protein content. Types of eggs commonly consume...
Perineal laceration is trauma to the perineum due to tearing of the birth canal or due to an episiot...
Injuries after childbirth are one of the causes of labour infections among other causes. Factors tha...
10percent of maternal mortality during the postpartum period are caused by infection due to bleeding...
One of the ways perineal wounds can be cured is with good nutrition, especially those high in protei...
Postpartum is a period of recovery of reproductive organs that undergo changes during pregnancy and ...
The infection can cause the death of 1 in 10 mothers undergoing the postpartum period. This is partl...
Background: Perineal wound is a tear that occurs in the perineum during delivery and occurs in almos...
Perineal injury is a predisposing factor for postpartum infections. This form of infection varies an...
Accelerated healing of perineal suture wounds during the puerperium is expected to prevent postpartu...
Background : In the spontaneous labor, Ruptur of the perineum is the risk faced by every woman. Pr...
Latar Belakang Kematian ibu di Indonesia umumnya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, luka peri...
Abstract: Eggs, Postpartum, Luka perineum, Hemoglobin. Labor or birth is a normal physiological occu...