An indenture between Albertus C. Van Raalte and Christian Johanna, his wife, and the consistory of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Holland. The Van Raaltes receive one dollar for the lots one, two, fifteen and sixteen in block 41 from the congregation for the site on which they plan to build a church. The indenture was witnessed by Anna F Post and H[enry] De. Post. As Justice of the Peace, Post also handled the transaction. The consistory members who signed were elders: H. Broek, J. A. Verhorst, Jeltje Broersma, Gerrit Jan Hekhuis, J. Labots, J. A. Wilterdink, and W. V. Appeldoorn. The deacons were: A. De Weerd, G. W. Wilterdink, A. Plugger, and P. VandenBerg.