Þessi ritgerð er unnin til BA-prófs í táknmálsfræði við Háskóla Íslands. Umfjöllunarefni hennar er hugtakið Döfflist (e. Deaf art) sem á rætur sínar að rekja til Bandaríkjanna þar sem listafélagið De’VIA var stofnað af myndlistakennurum við háskólann Gallaudet. Í ritgerðinni er leitast við að gera grein fyrir hugtakinu Döfflist og merkingu þess innan Döff samfélags og menningar. Skoðað er hvernig hugmyndir heyrandi fólks gegn upplifun Döff endurspeglast í myndlist. Litið er til pólitískra aðstæðna og samfélagslegra áhrifa í samhengi við mótun Döfflistar. Einnig er barátta Döff á viðurkenningu táknmáls skoðuð, þá sérstaklega bandarísks táknmáls. Enn fremur er reynt að svara hvað Döfflist felur í sér og hvort hægt sé að flokka þá listahreyfin...
This paper discusses whether participation in creative art affects the hearing impaired child\u27s s...
Sammanfattning Alla barn i förskolan har rätt till en stimulerande språkutveckling, att kunna uttryc...
Experience and perception of deaf teenagers is different from their pairs. These differences may hav...
Ritgerðin fjallar um uppvöxt, fjölskyldutengsl og skólagöngu döff fólks á Íslandi. Sjónum var beint...
Icelandic sign language is equal to Icelandic by law, but Icelandic sign language is an endangered l...
Táknmálstúlkar auðvelda náms- og félagsmótunarferli heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra (DHH – deaf and ...
This thesis presents a rich context of art information for interpreting artworks of deaf artists. Ov...
Although the notion of music being a part of a deaf individual’s life may seem contradictory, there ...
Deaf art reflects a unique culture where Deaf people express their life experiences, which are diffe...
Doktoritöös, mis koosneb teoreetilisest sissejuhatavast osast ja neljast artiklist, on käsitletud Ee...
This master's thesis is devoted to the study of Deaf poetry in Montreal between 1960 and 2017. By De...
Nowadays, there’s an evident lack of studies in the field of literature created for or written to th...
I propose a Deaf/Hearing Cultural Center as a means of testing these relationships. The center would...
Neste artigo, são apresentados e registrados vários gêneros literários oriundos de artistas surdos b...
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i KlasycznejZałożeniem dysertacji jest badanie sposobów definiowania i pr...
This paper discusses whether participation in creative art affects the hearing impaired child\u27s s...
Sammanfattning Alla barn i förskolan har rätt till en stimulerande språkutveckling, att kunna uttryc...
Experience and perception of deaf teenagers is different from their pairs. These differences may hav...
Ritgerðin fjallar um uppvöxt, fjölskyldutengsl og skólagöngu döff fólks á Íslandi. Sjónum var beint...
Icelandic sign language is equal to Icelandic by law, but Icelandic sign language is an endangered l...
Táknmálstúlkar auðvelda náms- og félagsmótunarferli heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra (DHH – deaf and ...
This thesis presents a rich context of art information for interpreting artworks of deaf artists. Ov...
Although the notion of music being a part of a deaf individual’s life may seem contradictory, there ...
Deaf art reflects a unique culture where Deaf people express their life experiences, which are diffe...
Doktoritöös, mis koosneb teoreetilisest sissejuhatavast osast ja neljast artiklist, on käsitletud Ee...
This master's thesis is devoted to the study of Deaf poetry in Montreal between 1960 and 2017. By De...
Nowadays, there’s an evident lack of studies in the field of literature created for or written to th...
I propose a Deaf/Hearing Cultural Center as a means of testing these relationships. The center would...
Neste artigo, são apresentados e registrados vários gêneros literários oriundos de artistas surdos b...
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i KlasycznejZałożeniem dysertacji jest badanie sposobów definiowania i pr...
This paper discusses whether participation in creative art affects the hearing impaired child\u27s s...
Sammanfattning Alla barn i förskolan har rätt till en stimulerande språkutveckling, att kunna uttryc...
Experience and perception of deaf teenagers is different from their pairs. These differences may hav...