"Since the above was written news has come that Mr. Jennet died in Olympia early in the morning of M...
"William S. Lewis, of Spokane, sends news of the death last October of John E. Rees, a pioneer of Id...
"Professor Robert Max Garrett died on July 8, 1924, at his home in Seattle. He was one of the most l...
"A recent press dispatch states that the General Insurance Company of America will convert the famou...
"The twenty-sixth annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held in Portlan...
"...conveying the information that Mrs. Allen Weir had died in Oakland, California, on December 6… M...
Printer, Proof reader, Publisher, and Editor of Sioux City American ; Editor and Proprietor of The N...
"History interests of the Pacific Northwest, as well as those of other parts of the United States , ...
"On February 15, death brought to a close the career of Manson Franklin Backus, pioneer banker and p...
"Allen Weir, a well-known maker and writer of Northwest history, died at Port Townsend on October 31...
"On November 6, 1913, the widow of the first Territorial Governor, Isaac I. Stevens, [died].
"Mrs. Flora A. Pearson Engle who came to Washington Territory with the second Mercer Expedition in 1...
"George Llewllyn Lindsley died at a Stockton, California, on January 4, 1934. For many years he was ...
"A pioneer of Eastern Washington who died on February 22. 1932 received a beautiful tribute from for...
"Miss Dorothy Weintz of Hyattville, Wyoming, is actively at work securing material for a biography o...
"Since the above was written news has come that Mr. Jennet died in Olympia early in the morning of M...
"William S. Lewis, of Spokane, sends news of the death last October of John E. Rees, a pioneer of Id...
"Professor Robert Max Garrett died on July 8, 1924, at his home in Seattle. He was one of the most l...
"A recent press dispatch states that the General Insurance Company of America will convert the famou...
"The twenty-sixth annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held in Portlan...
"...conveying the information that Mrs. Allen Weir had died in Oakland, California, on December 6… M...
Printer, Proof reader, Publisher, and Editor of Sioux City American ; Editor and Proprietor of The N...
"History interests of the Pacific Northwest, as well as those of other parts of the United States , ...
"On February 15, death brought to a close the career of Manson Franklin Backus, pioneer banker and p...
"Allen Weir, a well-known maker and writer of Northwest history, died at Port Townsend on October 31...
"On November 6, 1913, the widow of the first Territorial Governor, Isaac I. Stevens, [died].
"Mrs. Flora A. Pearson Engle who came to Washington Territory with the second Mercer Expedition in 1...
"George Llewllyn Lindsley died at a Stockton, California, on January 4, 1934. For many years he was ...
"A pioneer of Eastern Washington who died on February 22. 1932 received a beautiful tribute from for...
"Miss Dorothy Weintz of Hyattville, Wyoming, is actively at work securing material for a biography o...
"Since the above was written news has come that Mr. Jennet died in Olympia early in the morning of M...
"William S. Lewis, of Spokane, sends news of the death last October of John E. Rees, a pioneer of Id...
"Professor Robert Max Garrett died on July 8, 1924, at his home in Seattle. He was one of the most l...