"Allen Weir, a well-known maker and writer of Northwest history, died at Port Townsend on October 31...
"Mrs. Flora A. Pearson Engle who came to Washington Territory with the second Mercer Expedition in 1...
"Mr. Haven W. Edwards, vice-principal and head of the history department of the Oakland high school,...
"Dr. Archer Butler Hulbert died at his home in Colorado Springs on December 24, 1933.
"…George H. Carter,…has published a new edition of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitut...
"History interests of the Pacific Northwest, as well as those of other parts of the United States , ...
"George M. Allen, for twenty-four years publisher of the Toppenish News, died on September 9.
"On November 6, 1913, the widow of the first Territorial Governor, Isaac I. Stevens, [died].
"An association in St. Louis, Missouri, is planning to build [an adequate permanent memorial to the ...
"Since the above was written news has come that Mr. Jennet died in Olympia early in the morning of M...
"The Eleventh Annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association met ...
"Professor Frederick J. Turner, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, but now of the Harvard facu...
"William Franklin Edwards, former President of the University of Washington, died at his home in Eng...
"While going home on the evening of November 1, A. F. Muhr dropped dead in the street car… For many ...
"The well-known pioneer clergyman and missionary of Oregon--- Rev. A. L. Lindsley, D. D., LL. D.--- ...
"Allen Weir, a well-known maker and writer of Northwest history, died at Port Townsend on October 31...
"Mrs. Flora A. Pearson Engle who came to Washington Territory with the second Mercer Expedition in 1...
"Mr. Haven W. Edwards, vice-principal and head of the history department of the Oakland high school,...
"Dr. Archer Butler Hulbert died at his home in Colorado Springs on December 24, 1933.
"…George H. Carter,…has published a new edition of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitut...
"History interests of the Pacific Northwest, as well as those of other parts of the United States , ...
"George M. Allen, for twenty-four years publisher of the Toppenish News, died on September 9.
"On November 6, 1913, the widow of the first Territorial Governor, Isaac I. Stevens, [died].
"An association in St. Louis, Missouri, is planning to build [an adequate permanent memorial to the ...
"Since the above was written news has come that Mr. Jennet died in Olympia early in the morning of M...
"The Eleventh Annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association met ...
"Professor Frederick J. Turner, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, but now of the Harvard facu...
"William Franklin Edwards, former President of the University of Washington, died at his home in Eng...
"While going home on the evening of November 1, A. F. Muhr dropped dead in the street car… For many ...
"The well-known pioneer clergyman and missionary of Oregon--- Rev. A. L. Lindsley, D. D., LL. D.--- ...
"Allen Weir, a well-known maker and writer of Northwest history, died at Port Townsend on October 31...
"Mrs. Flora A. Pearson Engle who came to Washington Territory with the second Mercer Expedition in 1...
"Mr. Haven W. Edwards, vice-principal and head of the history department of the Oakland high school,...