This professional development (PD) study investigated the role of teachers’ initial receptive language skills on the implementation of language enhancement strategies. Head Start lead (n=12) and assistant (n=9) teachers received PD designed to increase their use of language enhancement strategies. Results indicated that teachers’ receptive vocabulary scores did predict their pretest language strategy usage; F(1, 19) = 6.40, p < .05, accounting for 25.2% of the variation in the frequency of language enhancing strategy. Additionally, there was a significant difference detected by role at pre-intervention indicating that assistants delivered fewer language enhancement strategies compared to lead teachers M = 41.25 (SD = 16.16) vs. M = 25.67...
The number of English language learners in schools in the United States has dramatically increased i...
AbstractToday there is a widespread need for English language speakers. Therefore, a new perspective...
Two primary purposes guided this quasi-experimental within-teacher study: (a) to examine changes fro...
This professional development (PD) study investigated the role of teachers’ initial receptive langua...
This professional development study explored how teachers’ receptive language skills impacted their ...
BACKGROUND: Continued professional development (CPD) is required for updated skills and knowledge. T...
This review summarizes features of professional development programs that aim to prepare in-service ...
The present study focuses on students with linguistic vulnerability. It may be students who have dia...
The study examined the efficacy of an intensive form of professional development (PD) for building t...
This dissertation aimed to explore the effects of a targeted professional development package within...
AbstractThis paper aims at explaining what ‘professional development’ means in ELT teachers’ perspec...
Teacher knowledge is a critical factor in student success. In the Classroom Promotion of Oral Langua...
dissertationThe present study investigated the effects on student test scores of providing Tier 1 an...
There is a need for professional development (PD) among second language (L2) learners' teachers to b...
The 6th International Seminar 2012 “Research in Teacher Education : What, How, and Why?” Salatiga, N...
The number of English language learners in schools in the United States has dramatically increased i...
AbstractToday there is a widespread need for English language speakers. Therefore, a new perspective...
Two primary purposes guided this quasi-experimental within-teacher study: (a) to examine changes fro...
This professional development (PD) study investigated the role of teachers’ initial receptive langua...
This professional development study explored how teachers’ receptive language skills impacted their ...
BACKGROUND: Continued professional development (CPD) is required for updated skills and knowledge. T...
This review summarizes features of professional development programs that aim to prepare in-service ...
The present study focuses on students with linguistic vulnerability. It may be students who have dia...
The study examined the efficacy of an intensive form of professional development (PD) for building t...
This dissertation aimed to explore the effects of a targeted professional development package within...
AbstractThis paper aims at explaining what ‘professional development’ means in ELT teachers’ perspec...
Teacher knowledge is a critical factor in student success. In the Classroom Promotion of Oral Langua...
dissertationThe present study investigated the effects on student test scores of providing Tier 1 an...
There is a need for professional development (PD) among second language (L2) learners' teachers to b...
The 6th International Seminar 2012 “Research in Teacher Education : What, How, and Why?” Salatiga, N...
The number of English language learners in schools in the United States has dramatically increased i...
AbstractToday there is a widespread need for English language speakers. Therefore, a new perspective...
Two primary purposes guided this quasi-experimental within-teacher study: (a) to examine changes fro...