LaTeX, 50 pages. Minor improvements.We consider the standard contact structure on the supercircle, S^{1|1}, and the supergroups E(1|1), Aff(1|1) and SpO(2|1) of contactomorphisms, defining the Euclidean, affine and projective geometry respectively. Using the new notion of (p|q)-transitivity, we construct in synthetic fashion even and odd invariants characterizing each geometry, and obtain an even and an odd super cross-ratios. Starting from the even invariants, we derive, using a superized Cartan formula, one-cocycles of the group of contactomorphisms, K(1), with values in tensor densities F_\lambda(S^{1|1}). The even cross-ratio yields a K(1) one-cocycle with values in quadratic differentials, Q(S^{1|1}), whose projection on F_{3/2}(S^{1|1...