Microarchitectural timing channels use variations in the timing of events, resulting from competition for limited hardware resources, to leak information in violation of the operating system's security policy. Such channels also exist on a simple in-order RISC-V core, as we demonstrate on the open-source RV64GC Ariane core. Time protection, recently proposed and implemented in the seL4 microkernel, aims to prevent timing channels, but depends on a controlled reset of microarchitectural state. Using Ariane, we show that software techniques for performing such a reset are insufficient and highly inefficient. We demonstrate that adding a single flush instruction is sufficient to close all five evaluated channels at negligible hardware costs, w...
This book deals with timing attacks on software implementations of encryption algorithms. It describ...
International audienceSide-channel attacks exploit power consumption, execution time, or any other p...
We propose a new language-based approach to mitigating timing channels. In this lan-guage, well-type...
Microarchitectural timing channels use variations in the timing of events, resulting from competitio...
Microarchitectural timing channels enable unwanted information flow across security boundaries, viol...
International audienceNumerous timing side-channels attacks have been proposed in the recent years, ...
Microarchitectural timing channels exploit resource contentions on a shared hardware platform to cau...
This paper presents timing compartments, a hardware architecture abstraction that eliminates m...
International audienceTiming side-channels are an identified threat for security critical software. ...
Timing side-channels are an identified threat for security critical software. Existing countermeasur...
Building systems with rigorous security guarantees is difficult, because most programming languages ...
Modern computing systems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to timing channel attacks that leak co...
Storage channels can be provably eliminated in well-designed, high-assurance kernels. Timing channel...
Content file updated by author on 15 January 2015.Timing channels pose a real security risk, but met...
Although modern computer systems process increasing amounts of sensitive, private, and valuable info...
This book deals with timing attacks on software implementations of encryption algorithms. It describ...
International audienceSide-channel attacks exploit power consumption, execution time, or any other p...
We propose a new language-based approach to mitigating timing channels. In this lan-guage, well-type...
Microarchitectural timing channels use variations in the timing of events, resulting from competitio...
Microarchitectural timing channels enable unwanted information flow across security boundaries, viol...
International audienceNumerous timing side-channels attacks have been proposed in the recent years, ...
Microarchitectural timing channels exploit resource contentions on a shared hardware platform to cau...
This paper presents timing compartments, a hardware architecture abstraction that eliminates m...
International audienceTiming side-channels are an identified threat for security critical software. ...
Timing side-channels are an identified threat for security critical software. Existing countermeasur...
Building systems with rigorous security guarantees is difficult, because most programming languages ...
Modern computing systems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to timing channel attacks that leak co...
Storage channels can be provably eliminated in well-designed, high-assurance kernels. Timing channel...
Content file updated by author on 15 January 2015.Timing channels pose a real security risk, but met...
Although modern computer systems process increasing amounts of sensitive, private, and valuable info...
This book deals with timing attacks on software implementations of encryption algorithms. It describ...
International audienceSide-channel attacks exploit power consumption, execution time, or any other p...
We propose a new language-based approach to mitigating timing channels. In this lan-guage, well-type...