The An-Nahl honey bee farm of the Madiun Group, owned by Mr Sunardi, is located in the Musir Hamlet, Banjarsari Wetan Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency, and was started in 2000. The main products produced are honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, and solid propolis. The honey was collected from the flowers of calliandra, mango, kapok, rambutan, narra, bay leaf, water spinach, and rubber. An-Nahl honey bee farm already has a business license, namely PIRT No. 10953519010730 – 20. Its honey has become a superior product in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency since 2016. Despite the success in its production, the AnNahl honey bee farm faced marketing problems. It is still using conventional marketing techniques. Produ...