La concurrence fiscale étatique naît du climat de tension régnant entre les différents pays. En effet, les Etats n’ontpas les mêmes besoins budgétaires, ce qui engendre une bataille entre les systèmes fiscaux afin d’attirer le plusgrand nombre d’agents économiques. La concurrence fiscale étatique apparaît donc comme une compétition entreles Etats. Ce phénomène s’inscrit dans une économie mondiale globalisée et tend à se renforcer depuis une dizained’années. Pour les contribuables, cette concurrence fiscale permet de bénéficier d’avantages fiscaux dans la mesureoù elle conduit à une convergence des régimes fiscaux des Etats vers des taux d’imposition plus faibles.Toutefois, dans l’optimisation de leur imposition, certains opérateurs économiq...
This paper deals with tax competition among local governments in France. We start with a survey of m...
Fiscal federalism is meant to benefit from both the advantages of centralization and decentralizati...
The coexistence of different income tax systems is structurally antithetic to a system - the EU one ...
The tax competition between States arises from the high level of tension between the different count...
Tax competition between tax sovereignties is a fact. We focus here on the international tax competi...
An Economic Analysis of Tax Competition The question of tax competition is of great importance for F...
Les rapports entre concurrence et droit fiscal, en tant que technique de mise en oeuvre du prélèveme...
Tax competition in Europe Without taking a stand on the influence of tax matters on the decisions o...
Les systèmes fiscaux nationaux sont traditionnellement construits autour de la relation entre l’Etat...
The adoption of the common currency within a context of European fiscal systems diversity could lead...
Tax Mimicking : an Application to the French Regions. Yardstick competition has recently gained atte...
In the EMU, the redistributive policies of national governments are threatened by the fiscal competi...
Tax competition and harmonisation : implications for the financial sector Fiscal harmonization in Eu...
Sub-central tax competition is the strategic interaction of tax policy between jurisdictions with th...
Dans un marché intégré, les choix politiques de chaque centre de décision sont interdépendants. Au c...
This paper deals with tax competition among local governments in France. We start with a survey of m...
Fiscal federalism is meant to benefit from both the advantages of centralization and decentralizati...
The coexistence of different income tax systems is structurally antithetic to a system - the EU one ...
The tax competition between States arises from the high level of tension between the different count...
Tax competition between tax sovereignties is a fact. We focus here on the international tax competi...
An Economic Analysis of Tax Competition The question of tax competition is of great importance for F...
Les rapports entre concurrence et droit fiscal, en tant que technique de mise en oeuvre du prélèveme...
Tax competition in Europe Without taking a stand on the influence of tax matters on the decisions o...
Les systèmes fiscaux nationaux sont traditionnellement construits autour de la relation entre l’Etat...
The adoption of the common currency within a context of European fiscal systems diversity could lead...
Tax Mimicking : an Application to the French Regions. Yardstick competition has recently gained atte...
In the EMU, the redistributive policies of national governments are threatened by the fiscal competi...
Tax competition and harmonisation : implications for the financial sector Fiscal harmonization in Eu...
Sub-central tax competition is the strategic interaction of tax policy between jurisdictions with th...
Dans un marché intégré, les choix politiques de chaque centre de décision sont interdépendants. Au c...
This paper deals with tax competition among local governments in France. We start with a survey of m...
Fiscal federalism is meant to benefit from both the advantages of centralization and decentralizati...
The coexistence of different income tax systems is structurally antithetic to a system - the EU one ...