In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, and the potential consequences of their application on humans and the environment, Potter’s global bioethics concept resurfaces. By actualizing Potter’s original thoughts on individual bioethical issues, the universality of two of his books, which today represent the backbone of the world bioethical literature, “Bioethics – Bridge to the Future” and “Global Bioethics: Building on the Leopold Legacy”, is emphasized. Potter’s global bioethics today can legitimately be viewed as a bridge between clinical personalized ethics on the one hand and ethics of public health on the other.U kontekstu suvremenih znanstveno-tehnoloških dostignuća u biomedic...
Libro: Bioethics: Bridge to the Future, de Van Rensselaer Potter. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hal...
Bioethics is primarily an applied ethics of health related issues. It is considered an important gui...
Autor polazi od teze da rasprava o novoj bioetičkoj paradigmi mora obuhvatiti ne samo ljudski život ...
In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, a...
In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, a...
Regardless of the still persistent tendencies to narrow the concept of bioethics down to (bio)medica...
Dugo je vremena u akademskoj zajednici vladalo uvjerenje kako je „otac bioetike“ američki biokemičar...
Van Rensselaer Potter\u27s original concept of bioethics as a global integration of biology and valu...
Budući da je i bioetika, kako je već naznačeno i u njezinu imenu, posebna, specijalna etika (sadržan...
Van Rensselaer Potter (1911-2001), the biologist who coined the term “bioethics” in North American s...
Bioetyka jest jednym z zagadnień, które są w centrum uwagi dzisiejszego świata. Nowa technologia i i...
U članku se polazi od dvije temeljne premise. Prva premisa sadržava niz suvremenih biomedicinskih iz...
Global interests in bioethics have increased drastically since the end of 20th century. The reason f...
Global interests in bioethics have increased drastically since the end of 20th century. The reason f...
Danas u najrazvijenijim zemljama u svijetu postoji mnoštvo bioetičkih tijela, različitih kako po ime...
Libro: Bioethics: Bridge to the Future, de Van Rensselaer Potter. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hal...
Bioethics is primarily an applied ethics of health related issues. It is considered an important gui...
Autor polazi od teze da rasprava o novoj bioetičkoj paradigmi mora obuhvatiti ne samo ljudski život ...
In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, a...
In the context of modern scientific and technological developments in biomedicine and health care, a...
Regardless of the still persistent tendencies to narrow the concept of bioethics down to (bio)medica...
Dugo je vremena u akademskoj zajednici vladalo uvjerenje kako je „otac bioetike“ američki biokemičar...
Van Rensselaer Potter\u27s original concept of bioethics as a global integration of biology and valu...
Budući da je i bioetika, kako je već naznačeno i u njezinu imenu, posebna, specijalna etika (sadržan...
Van Rensselaer Potter (1911-2001), the biologist who coined the term “bioethics” in North American s...
Bioetyka jest jednym z zagadnień, które są w centrum uwagi dzisiejszego świata. Nowa technologia i i...
U članku se polazi od dvije temeljne premise. Prva premisa sadržava niz suvremenih biomedicinskih iz...
Global interests in bioethics have increased drastically since the end of 20th century. The reason f...
Global interests in bioethics have increased drastically since the end of 20th century. The reason f...
Danas u najrazvijenijim zemljama u svijetu postoji mnoštvo bioetičkih tijela, različitih kako po ime...
Libro: Bioethics: Bridge to the Future, de Van Rensselaer Potter. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hal...
Bioethics is primarily an applied ethics of health related issues. It is considered an important gui...
Autor polazi od teze da rasprava o novoj bioetičkoj paradigmi mora obuhvatiti ne samo ljudski život ...