Between the environment and living beings occurs a web of interconnections of the bases of sustaining life on Earth. Among beings humanity emerges, with the social, technological and economic, resulting from the industrial revolution, where frequently the environment loses its role as ally, where it is been used as an object of mechanization and domination of man. In this discussion, water acquires importance in view of their use in the production processes of man and source of life. From this perspective, Watersheds become a point of interaction between man and environment acting as a point of convergence of actions and consequences. Thus, lists himself as an object of study the upper course of the river basin in the state of Pernambuco in...
The historical evolutions of the Brazilian environmental legislation and the environmental legal tho...
Environmental issues have found their way into several public policy decisions in Brazil, ranging fr...
This article presents a tool, which if it is not a novelty, seeks to collaborate with discussions ab...
The appreciation of the environmental medium of an object as a watershed becomes an addition of grea...
Watersheds are transformed into point of interaction between the environment and man acting as a poi...
Policies on water resources in northeastern Brazil have been a practice adopted to contain the adver...
This work was carried out environmental diagnosis of the River Araçagi, located in the state of Par...
The various uses of water in economic activities have caused significant changes in the quality and ...
The current discussions about environmental issues are influenced by different conceptions and perce...
The objective of this research was to investigate the anthropogenic derivation of a headwatershed lo...
The use of natural resources irrationally has caused a growing concern in all regions of the planet...
Knowing that water is welfar tor humanity, this work was advanced with objective of analize the pro...
Water has been at the center of world attention, giving rise to several discussions about its uses,...
The environmental question rose up in the global scenario, when developed countries perceived that t...
The region of the upper course of Dourados river (left tributary of the Paranaíba river ) has an are...
The historical evolutions of the Brazilian environmental legislation and the environmental legal tho...
Environmental issues have found their way into several public policy decisions in Brazil, ranging fr...
This article presents a tool, which if it is not a novelty, seeks to collaborate with discussions ab...
The appreciation of the environmental medium of an object as a watershed becomes an addition of grea...
Watersheds are transformed into point of interaction between the environment and man acting as a poi...
Policies on water resources in northeastern Brazil have been a practice adopted to contain the adver...
This work was carried out environmental diagnosis of the River Araçagi, located in the state of Par...
The various uses of water in economic activities have caused significant changes in the quality and ...
The current discussions about environmental issues are influenced by different conceptions and perce...
The objective of this research was to investigate the anthropogenic derivation of a headwatershed lo...
The use of natural resources irrationally has caused a growing concern in all regions of the planet...
Knowing that water is welfar tor humanity, this work was advanced with objective of analize the pro...
Water has been at the center of world attention, giving rise to several discussions about its uses,...
The environmental question rose up in the global scenario, when developed countries perceived that t...
The region of the upper course of Dourados river (left tributary of the Paranaíba river ) has an are...
The historical evolutions of the Brazilian environmental legislation and the environmental legal tho...
Environmental issues have found their way into several public policy decisions in Brazil, ranging fr...
This article presents a tool, which if it is not a novelty, seeks to collaborate with discussions ab...