SAŽETAK Uslovi života, nagli rast i razvoj, porodična opterećen i fizička aktivnost utiču na pojavu deformiteta kičmenog stuba kod dece u razvojnom periodu. Do sada objavljeni literaturni podaci, odnose se uglavnom na uticaj pojedinačnih faktora rasta i razvoja, pojedinačnih uslova života, sociodemografske uslovljenosti, porodičnog opterećenja i slično. Cilj ove disertacije je da se ispita ukupan značaj sociodemografskih faktora, zdravstvenih faktora i fizičke aktivnosti, kao i njihova međusobna uslovljenost, za nastanak deformiteta kičmenog stuba kod dece u razvojnom periodu. Istraživanje je sprovedeno po tipu opservacione, kliničke studije u periodu od 2016 - 2018. godine. Učesnici studije su deca sa deformitetima kičme, koja su p...
The aim of this study is to determine the state of postural disorders in the sagittal and frontal pl...
The causes of musculoskeletal disorders, at present affecting a considerable pro-portion of the adul...
If not detected and removed in time, poor posture in preschool and school children may cause extreme...
Tjelesna aktivnost zauzima bitno mjesto u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji. Iznimno je bitna kada je rije...
Due to the acceleration of biological and lifestyle changes, scientific and technological revolution...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv nekaterih gibalnih sposobnosti na pravilni razvoj hrbtenice pri otro...
Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati povezanost pojave deformacija i poteškoća s kralježnicom i bavljenja sp...
U adolescentnoj fazi, koja je obilježena naglim rastom i razvojem, djeca su podložna razvoju deforma...
This paper presents data obtained by somatic examination of pupils in the 1st, 5th and 8th grade of ...
Wstęp. Aktywność fizyczna stanowi kluczowy i integralny element zdrowego stylu życia. Niestety w dzi...
Introduction: Curvatures of the spine is now a widely spread phenomenon. Mostly exposed to this defe...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie zmian zachodzących w postawach dzieci 7-8 letnich na przestrzen...
In children, poor posture is caused by many factors including, malnutrition and altered habitual pos...
Suvremeni način života sa sobom donosi brojne pozitivne promjene, ali isto tako i povećanje brojnih ...
The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of spine and feet deformities among children who...
The aim of this study is to determine the state of postural disorders in the sagittal and frontal pl...
The causes of musculoskeletal disorders, at present affecting a considerable pro-portion of the adul...
If not detected and removed in time, poor posture in preschool and school children may cause extreme...
Tjelesna aktivnost zauzima bitno mjesto u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji. Iznimno je bitna kada je rije...
Due to the acceleration of biological and lifestyle changes, scientific and technological revolution...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv nekaterih gibalnih sposobnosti na pravilni razvoj hrbtenice pri otro...
Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati povezanost pojave deformacija i poteškoća s kralježnicom i bavljenja sp...
U adolescentnoj fazi, koja je obilježena naglim rastom i razvojem, djeca su podložna razvoju deforma...
This paper presents data obtained by somatic examination of pupils in the 1st, 5th and 8th grade of ...
Wstęp. Aktywność fizyczna stanowi kluczowy i integralny element zdrowego stylu życia. Niestety w dzi...
Introduction: Curvatures of the spine is now a widely spread phenomenon. Mostly exposed to this defe...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie zmian zachodzących w postawach dzieci 7-8 letnich na przestrzen...
In children, poor posture is caused by many factors including, malnutrition and altered habitual pos...
Suvremeni način života sa sobom donosi brojne pozitivne promjene, ali isto tako i povećanje brojnih ...
The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of spine and feet deformities among children who...
The aim of this study is to determine the state of postural disorders in the sagittal and frontal pl...
The causes of musculoskeletal disorders, at present affecting a considerable pro-portion of the adul...
If not detected and removed in time, poor posture in preschool and school children may cause extreme...