Metabolizam, struktura i funkcionalnost lipoproteina visoke gustine (high-density lipoproteins-HDL) su blisko povezani. Procenom kvalitatitvnih karakteristika HDL čestica se može dobiti detaljniji uvid u njihovu ateroprotektivnu aktivnost. U ovom istraživanju su ispitane karakteristike HDL čestica kod metaboličkog sindroma (MS) i pridruženih stanja koja predstavljaju faktore rizika za razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Uvid u remodelovanje HDL čestica je omogućen određivanjem relativne zastupljenosti pojedinačnih HDL subfrakcija, aktivnosti markera remodelovanja: lecitin-holesterol-acil transferaze (lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase-LCAT) i holesterol-estar transfernog proteina (cholesteryl ester transfer protein-CETP), kao i koncen...
An open prospective study including 200 newly detected patients with NIDDM and hyperlipoproteinemia ...
Alterations in serum lipoprotein levels contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis in coronary...
Lipidomics is a subgroup of metabolomics, which is the last step of the omics cascade closest to th...
Women with GDM have higher risk of disturbed glucose and lipids metabolism later in life, which, al...
Objectives/Aim: Hemodialysis (HD) is associated with a number of biochemical abnormalities including...
Kardiovaskularne bolesti su danas vodeći uzročnik pobola i smrti kako u razvijenim zemljama svijeta ...
A plazma lipoproteinek struktúrájuk, funkciójuk, méretük és denzitásuk alapján szubfrakciókra osztha...
AIMS An independent, powerful coronary heart disease (CHD) predictor is a low level of high-density ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A aterosclerose é a principal causa de morbimortalidade em indivíduos com diabetes melli...
Lipīdu vielmaiņas traucējumiem organismā ir būtiska nozīme. Visbiežāk lipīdu traucējumi tiek skatīti...
Pamatojums: Ģimenes Hiperholesterinēmija (ĢH) raksturojas ar paaugstinātu zema blīvuma lipoproteīnu ...
The aim of this study was to establish whether increased serum Lp(a) level is a risk factor which si...
Dyslipidemia is a common metabolic disorder in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is largely responsib...
Dyslipidemia - high serum cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), or triglycerides or low HDL-choleste...
Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) dietary intake, status and serum key fatty acid (FA) ratios may ai...
An open prospective study including 200 newly detected patients with NIDDM and hyperlipoproteinemia ...
Alterations in serum lipoprotein levels contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis in coronary...
Lipidomics is a subgroup of metabolomics, which is the last step of the omics cascade closest to th...
Women with GDM have higher risk of disturbed glucose and lipids metabolism later in life, which, al...
Objectives/Aim: Hemodialysis (HD) is associated with a number of biochemical abnormalities including...
Kardiovaskularne bolesti su danas vodeći uzročnik pobola i smrti kako u razvijenim zemljama svijeta ...
A plazma lipoproteinek struktúrájuk, funkciójuk, méretük és denzitásuk alapján szubfrakciókra osztha...
AIMS An independent, powerful coronary heart disease (CHD) predictor is a low level of high-density ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A aterosclerose é a principal causa de morbimortalidade em indivíduos com diabetes melli...
Lipīdu vielmaiņas traucējumiem organismā ir būtiska nozīme. Visbiežāk lipīdu traucējumi tiek skatīti...
Pamatojums: Ģimenes Hiperholesterinēmija (ĢH) raksturojas ar paaugstinātu zema blīvuma lipoproteīnu ...
The aim of this study was to establish whether increased serum Lp(a) level is a risk factor which si...
Dyslipidemia is a common metabolic disorder in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is largely responsib...
Dyslipidemia - high serum cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), or triglycerides or low HDL-choleste...
Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) dietary intake, status and serum key fatty acid (FA) ratios may ai...
An open prospective study including 200 newly detected patients with NIDDM and hyperlipoproteinemia ...
Alterations in serum lipoprotein levels contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis in coronary...
Lipidomics is a subgroup of metabolomics, which is the last step of the omics cascade closest to th...