This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the sanctuary of Hesston United Methodist Church, 606 North Ridge Road. Stained glass windows are along the back wall.
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. The image depicts the stain-glass windows in the sa...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in Fir...
This color photograph features Burrton in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in the ...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the sanctuary of Hesston United Me...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in the ...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the sanctuary of Hesston United Me...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the Hesston United Methodist Churc...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features Burrton in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in the s...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. The image depicts the stain-glass windows in the sa...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in Fir...
This color photograph features Burrton in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in the ...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the sanctuary of Hesston United Me...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in the ...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the sanctuary of Hesston United Me...
This color photograph features Hesston in 2007. The image depicts the Hesston United Methodist Churc...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features Burrton in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in the s...
This color photograph features rural Hesston in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass window in...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. The image depicts the stain-glass windows in the sa...
This color photograph features Halstead in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in Fir...
This color photograph features Burrton in 2007. This image depicts the stained-glass windows in the ...