commercial foldouts likely brought in by a student
believe was originally a student model later commissioned by Arthur
cream paper, green bowtie triangles
commercial foldouts likely brought in by a student
likely brought in by student
brought in by student
“Fold(ed)” is an interactive project that explores the varying levels of comfort in seating through ...
Shapes--Study and teaching (Primary); Geometry--Study and teaching (Primary); Pattern perception--St...
black, red, gray - made by architecture student Sara Kudra in design science winter 2006https://digi...
Folding clothes brush (for pocket?) in black plastic case. Bristles fold flat when closed. Maker: Sl...
believe was originally a student model later commissioned by Arthur
cream paper, green bowtie triangles
commercial foldouts likely brought in by a student
likely brought in by student
brought in by student
“Fold(ed)” is an interactive project that explores the varying levels of comfort in seating through ...
Shapes--Study and teaching (Primary); Geometry--Study and teaching (Primary); Pattern perception--St...
black, red, gray - made by architecture student Sara Kudra in design science winter 2006https://digi...
Folding clothes brush (for pocket?) in black plastic case. Bristles fold flat when closed. Maker: Sl...
believe was originally a student model later commissioned by Arthur
cream paper, green bowtie triangles