Via functional complementation we have isolated the Hansenula polymorpha PDD1 gene essential for selective, macroautophagic peroxisome degradation. HpPDD1 encodes a 116 kDa protein with high similarity (42% identity) to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vps34p, which has been implicated in vacuolar protein sorting and endocytosis. Western blotting experiments revealed that HpPDD1 is expressed constitutively. In a H. polymorpha padd1 disruption strain peroxisome degradation is fully impaired. Sequestered peroxisomes, typical for the first stage of peroxisome degradation in H. polymorpha, were never observed, suggesting that HpPdd1p plays a role in the tagging of redundant peroxisomes and/or sequestration of these organelles from the cytosol. Possibly...