In recent years there has been concern connected with the practice of collecting classic forensic traces in crime scenes. apart from this there are some problems concerning their accessibility. The main factor which affects the possibility of disclosing evidence negatively is the decreasing quality of forensic activities. Moreover, poorly trained police officers do not usually know how to use tactically the information content of forensic evidence. During the preparatory proceedings problems connected with small value of detection of classic evidence appear. also the significance of aFis and genom databases decreases and obtaining reference material is becoming difficult. in such situations law enforcement authorities do not have to be help...
This article discusses the possibilities of using physical detection in modern forensic practice an...
In Poland there is a lack of effective solutions to monitor people convicted of sexual offenses. Op...
Rezultati poligrafskog istraživanja danas osim nezaobilazne uloge eliminacije nevinih iz kruga osumn...
"In total, according to data reported for our research by Police, Military Police, Border Guard and...
Some theoreticians of criminal proceedings and judges in Poland believe that the Code of Penal Proce...
"The Department of Criminalistics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Sil...
The issue of psychophysiological examinations utilizing polygraph causes many discussions for scient...
W dniu 29 stycznia 2015 r. Sąd Najwyższy wydał postanowienie (I KZP 25/14), po raz pierwszy kompleks...
Problem badań psychofizjologicznych z wykorzystaniem poligrafu jest przyczyną wielu dyskusji na grun...
The article contains a historic outline of instrumental methods for examinations of emotional sympto...
A polygraph usage represents a complex set of procedures which include the preparing specially selec...
"Polygraph testing in Poland is associated mostly with criminal cases and discussion about the powe...
The United Kingdom and the United States successfully use polygraph examinations for assessment of p...
The aim of this article is to emphasize the main features of the polygraph examination within the Ro...
The article discusses the legal solutions regarding the polvgraph examinations in criminal proceedin...
This article discusses the possibilities of using physical detection in modern forensic practice an...
In Poland there is a lack of effective solutions to monitor people convicted of sexual offenses. Op...
Rezultati poligrafskog istraživanja danas osim nezaobilazne uloge eliminacije nevinih iz kruga osumn...
"In total, according to data reported for our research by Police, Military Police, Border Guard and...
Some theoreticians of criminal proceedings and judges in Poland believe that the Code of Penal Proce...
"The Department of Criminalistics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Sil...
The issue of psychophysiological examinations utilizing polygraph causes many discussions for scient...
W dniu 29 stycznia 2015 r. Sąd Najwyższy wydał postanowienie (I KZP 25/14), po raz pierwszy kompleks...
Problem badań psychofizjologicznych z wykorzystaniem poligrafu jest przyczyną wielu dyskusji na grun...
The article contains a historic outline of instrumental methods for examinations of emotional sympto...
A polygraph usage represents a complex set of procedures which include the preparing specially selec...
"Polygraph testing in Poland is associated mostly with criminal cases and discussion about the powe...
The United Kingdom and the United States successfully use polygraph examinations for assessment of p...
The aim of this article is to emphasize the main features of the polygraph examination within the Ro...
The article discusses the legal solutions regarding the polvgraph examinations in criminal proceedin...
This article discusses the possibilities of using physical detection in modern forensic practice an...
In Poland there is a lack of effective solutions to monitor people convicted of sexual offenses. Op...
Rezultati poligrafskog istraživanja danas osim nezaobilazne uloge eliminacije nevinih iz kruga osumn...