W doświadczeniach z sałatą głowiastą (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.) 'Sunny' uprawianą w podłożu torfowym w cyklu wiosennym i jesiennym określono wpływ dwóch mineralnych i pięciu chelatowych źródeł żelaza na plon świeżej masy i zawartość żelaza w liściach. Zawartość żelaza w podłożu zróżnicowano do pięciu poziomów: 25 - kontrola, 50, 75, 100, 150 i 300 mg · dm⁻³ podłoża. Po zastosowaniu żelaza w postaci mineralnej w całym zakresie dawkowania oraz w kombinacjach z chelatami FelDHA oraz FeEDDHMA w zakresie od 50 do 150 mg · dm⁻³ podłoża, chelatem FeDTPA w zakresie od 50 do 100 mg · dm⁻³ podłoża oraz chelatem FeEDTA+DTPA przy poziomie 50 mg · dm⁻³ podłoża nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic w wielkości plonu sałaty w porównaniu do kombinacj...
Limonium sinuatum ‘Compindi White’ çeşidi yetiştiriciliğinde farklı demir dozlarının bitki gelişimi,...
Lettuce needs a properly balanced nutrition base for its proper development. During the greenhouse e...
Sunkiųjų metalų stabilizavimas naudojant pramonėje susidarančias atliekas yra patrauklus metodas sie...
In the years 2005 and 2006, spring and autumn experiments were carried out with greenhouse lettuce ‘...
In 2-year seasonal experiments (cultivation in peat), the effect of chelated and mineral forms of zi...
In 2007-2008, pot experiments were conducted on cv. Michalina head lettuce grown in an unheated gree...
In pot experiments, in spring 2006 and 2007, a comparison was made between the chelated and the mine...
Ensuring proper microelement supply under alkaline soil conditions could be a challenge even with th...
Consumption of vegetables with either too low or excessive contents of micronutrients may have an ad...
Abstract. In pot experiments, in spring 2006 and 2007, a comparison was made between the chelated an...
In a pot experiment lettuce and carrot were cultivated. Lettuce was sown twice in a vegetative perio...
Consumer demand for vegetables of fortified mineral and bioactive content is on the rise, driven by ...
The deficiency of iron in the human organism causes the anemia, which is a public health problem. Fo...
Bu araştırma baş salata yetiştiriciliği üzerine farklı azot kaynaklarının verim,kalite, mineral madd...
In pot experiments with lettuce, the effect of chelated and mineral forms of manganese on the fresh ...
Limonium sinuatum ‘Compindi White’ çeşidi yetiştiriciliğinde farklı demir dozlarının bitki gelişimi,...
Lettuce needs a properly balanced nutrition base for its proper development. During the greenhouse e...
Sunkiųjų metalų stabilizavimas naudojant pramonėje susidarančias atliekas yra patrauklus metodas sie...
In the years 2005 and 2006, spring and autumn experiments were carried out with greenhouse lettuce ‘...
In 2-year seasonal experiments (cultivation in peat), the effect of chelated and mineral forms of zi...
In 2007-2008, pot experiments were conducted on cv. Michalina head lettuce grown in an unheated gree...
In pot experiments, in spring 2006 and 2007, a comparison was made between the chelated and the mine...
Ensuring proper microelement supply under alkaline soil conditions could be a challenge even with th...
Consumption of vegetables with either too low or excessive contents of micronutrients may have an ad...
Abstract. In pot experiments, in spring 2006 and 2007, a comparison was made between the chelated an...
In a pot experiment lettuce and carrot were cultivated. Lettuce was sown twice in a vegetative perio...
Consumer demand for vegetables of fortified mineral and bioactive content is on the rise, driven by ...
The deficiency of iron in the human organism causes the anemia, which is a public health problem. Fo...
Bu araştırma baş salata yetiştiriciliği üzerine farklı azot kaynaklarının verim,kalite, mineral madd...
In pot experiments with lettuce, the effect of chelated and mineral forms of manganese on the fresh ...
Limonium sinuatum ‘Compindi White’ çeşidi yetiştiriciliğinde farklı demir dozlarının bitki gelişimi,...
Lettuce needs a properly balanced nutrition base for its proper development. During the greenhouse e...
Sunkiųjų metalų stabilizavimas naudojant pramonėje susidarančias atliekas yra patrauklus metodas sie...