Polish cadastral system consists of two registers: cadastre and land register. The cadastre register data on cadastral objects (land, buildings and premises) in particular location (in a two-dimensional coordinate system) and their attributes as well as data about the owners. The land register contains data concerned ownerships and other rights to the property. Registration of a land parcel without spatial objects located on the surface is not problematic. Registration of buildings and premises in typical cases is not a problem either. The situation becomes more complicated in cases of multiple use of space above the parcel and with more complex construction of the buildings. The paper presents rules concerning the registration of various u...
Development of new technologies for modelling of natural reality will affect also the traditional wa...
The paper concerns spatial planning in Poland and its connection with the cadastre. The Polish spati...
The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that...
Polish cadastral system consists of two registers: cadastre and land register. The cadastre register...
In Poland cadastral system is 2D based system. System is using 2D parcels in order to register right...
For a dozen or so years, we have been witnessing an on-going, global discussion, concerning the shap...
Currently in Poland, the problems associated with changes in the functioning of the institutions of ...
The 3D cadastre model in Poland has been developed for several years. The summation of these works i...
The conception and the present state of advance in creation of the Integrated Cadastral System in Po...
The main objective of the paper is to elaborate the possibilities of applying CityGML for cadastral ...
The main objective of the paper is to elaborate the possibilities of applying CityGML for cadastral ...
W publikacji zawarto analizę historyczną tworzenia katastru gruntowego i ksiąg wieczystych w Polsce....
The paper deals with the analysis and collection of information for state cadastral registration of ...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
Development of new technologies for modelling of natural reality will affect also the traditional wa...
The paper concerns spatial planning in Poland and its connection with the cadastre. The Polish spati...
The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that...
Polish cadastral system consists of two registers: cadastre and land register. The cadastre register...
In Poland cadastral system is 2D based system. System is using 2D parcels in order to register right...
For a dozen or so years, we have been witnessing an on-going, global discussion, concerning the shap...
Currently in Poland, the problems associated with changes in the functioning of the institutions of ...
The 3D cadastre model in Poland has been developed for several years. The summation of these works i...
The conception and the present state of advance in creation of the Integrated Cadastral System in Po...
The main objective of the paper is to elaborate the possibilities of applying CityGML for cadastral ...
The main objective of the paper is to elaborate the possibilities of applying CityGML for cadastral ...
W publikacji zawarto analizę historyczną tworzenia katastru gruntowego i ksiąg wieczystych w Polsce....
The paper deals with the analysis and collection of information for state cadastral registration of ...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
The concepts of three-dimensional (3D) real property have been the subject of increased interest in ...
Development of new technologies for modelling of natural reality will affect also the traditional wa...
The paper concerns spatial planning in Poland and its connection with the cadastre. The Polish spati...
The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that...