Jan Paweł II w swym nauczaniu ukazywał czym jest godność oraz wolność. Nieustannie poruszał ten temat podczas pielgrzymek i wygłoszonych homilii, aby pokazać prawdę ludziom, która oparta jest na bolesnych doświadczeniach historii. Mówił o poprawnym zarysie koncepcji osoby ludzkiej, której fundamentem jest rodzina oraz Sakramencie małżeństwa. Chodzi tu o to, aby struktury prawne i porządek demokratyczny miały służyć człowiekowi, a nie szkodzić. Młody człowiek winien nabywać w rodzinie podstawy wychowania oraz wartości. Jan Paweł II pokładał dużą nadzieję w młodym pokoleniu. Człowiekiem odpowiedzialnym jest ten, kto w wolności odpowiada na wymagania, jakie stawia przed nim prawda o ludzkiej godności. Papież wskazywał również na sumienie każde...
In this article the Author proves existence of an intrinsic and inseparable connection between anth...
The contemporary man, and perhaps especially Christian, feels himself torn in to direction. On the ...
In his catechesis Man and Woman He Created Them, St. John Paul II reveals marriage and family as a s...
The article is devoted to the confrontation of two ways of human fulfillment in man’s temporal exist...
W artykule podjęto problem godności ludzkiej w kontekście procesu wychowania, czyli w odniesieniu do...
Przedmiotem badań teologii duchowości jest doświadczenie duchowe człowieka. Jako nauka teologiczna ...
Individualism is a term important for Christian education. The understanding of individualism took a...
This article speaks of the relation between man and the rest of the created world. This is a subject...
The religious and moral life of a Christian is primarily concerned with God. In the light of the Chr...
By enhancing the overcome through the concept of theology as faith in statu scientiae determinism o...
Exegetical analysis of unit 2,9–16 and its context (see 1,18–4,25) shows that Paul wants to give the...
In the encyclical letter Veritatis splendor St. John Paul II stated that “Through the moral life, fa...
As in the Letters to the Romans and the Galatians, the foundation of St. Paul's doctrine in the Lett...
Birkowski’s sermons show a deep vision of obedience which constitutes a program of spiritual life wi...
The article analyzes the influence of the dogmatic truth of the begetting of God’s Son by the Father...
In this article the Author proves existence of an intrinsic and inseparable connection between anth...
The contemporary man, and perhaps especially Christian, feels himself torn in to direction. On the ...
In his catechesis Man and Woman He Created Them, St. John Paul II reveals marriage and family as a s...
The article is devoted to the confrontation of two ways of human fulfillment in man’s temporal exist...
W artykule podjęto problem godności ludzkiej w kontekście procesu wychowania, czyli w odniesieniu do...
Przedmiotem badań teologii duchowości jest doświadczenie duchowe człowieka. Jako nauka teologiczna ...
Individualism is a term important for Christian education. The understanding of individualism took a...
This article speaks of the relation between man and the rest of the created world. This is a subject...
The religious and moral life of a Christian is primarily concerned with God. In the light of the Chr...
By enhancing the overcome through the concept of theology as faith in statu scientiae determinism o...
Exegetical analysis of unit 2,9–16 and its context (see 1,18–4,25) shows that Paul wants to give the...
In the encyclical letter Veritatis splendor St. John Paul II stated that “Through the moral life, fa...
As in the Letters to the Romans and the Galatians, the foundation of St. Paul's doctrine in the Lett...
Birkowski’s sermons show a deep vision of obedience which constitutes a program of spiritual life wi...
The article analyzes the influence of the dogmatic truth of the begetting of God’s Son by the Father...
In this article the Author proves existence of an intrinsic and inseparable connection between anth...
The contemporary man, and perhaps especially Christian, feels himself torn in to direction. On the ...
In his catechesis Man and Woman He Created Them, St. John Paul II reveals marriage and family as a s...