More urea, a torn of nonprotein nitrogen, would be fed to ruminants except for inefficient conversion of urea-nitrogen to Microbial protein, toxicity, lack of palatability and urea segregating in mixed rations. As a supplement for cattle on high-roughage rations, urea should be fed with a readily available energy source for urea nitrogen to be converted to microbial protein by rumen microorganisms. Attempting to overcome some or all of those problems, Bartley and co-workers at Kansas State University (Feedstuffs. 27 Apr. 68; 40:9) developed an expansion-processed mixture of grain and urea (Starea).We tested Starea and soybean meal as protein supplements for beef cows grazing dry bluestem pasture during the winter
Biuret, a non protein nitrogen compound, has shown promise as a protein substitute for ruminants fed...
Tests with urea in beef cattle rations have been conducted at the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Sta...
One primiparous and 3 multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas ...
More urea, a torn of nonprotein nitrogen, would be fed to ruminants except for inefficient conversi...
Use of urea in beef cattle rations, particularly in rations containing high levels of roughage (grow...
This test compared urea supplement (hand-fed), urea supplement (self-fed), and soybean meal (SBM) su...
It is generally recognized that a readily available source of energy (preferable grain) must be in t...
During the winter of 1970-71, 63 six-year-old, non-lactating, pregnant Hereford cows were divided i...
During the winter of 1970-71, 63 six-year-old, non-lactating, pregnant Hereford cows were divided in...
Urea is a common ingredient in cattle diets. While this nonprotein nitrogren compound is a satisfact...
Urea has been used successfully for several years as a nitrogen supplement in rations for mature rum...
A previous test using sorghum silage (Kans. Agri. Expt. Sta. Bull. 507:5, 1967) indicated that 3 po...
The ability of the ruminant to utilize various sources of non-protein nitrogen, via microbial action...
Urea supplies part of the protein equivalent in many of the commercial supplements formulated for be...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of substituting soybean meal for urea on milk prot...
Biuret, a non protein nitrogen compound, has shown promise as a protein substitute for ruminants fed...
Tests with urea in beef cattle rations have been conducted at the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Sta...
One primiparous and 3 multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas ...
More urea, a torn of nonprotein nitrogen, would be fed to ruminants except for inefficient conversi...
Use of urea in beef cattle rations, particularly in rations containing high levels of roughage (grow...
This test compared urea supplement (hand-fed), urea supplement (self-fed), and soybean meal (SBM) su...
It is generally recognized that a readily available source of energy (preferable grain) must be in t...
During the winter of 1970-71, 63 six-year-old, non-lactating, pregnant Hereford cows were divided i...
During the winter of 1970-71, 63 six-year-old, non-lactating, pregnant Hereford cows were divided in...
Urea is a common ingredient in cattle diets. While this nonprotein nitrogren compound is a satisfact...
Urea has been used successfully for several years as a nitrogen supplement in rations for mature rum...
A previous test using sorghum silage (Kans. Agri. Expt. Sta. Bull. 507:5, 1967) indicated that 3 po...
The ability of the ruminant to utilize various sources of non-protein nitrogen, via microbial action...
Urea supplies part of the protein equivalent in many of the commercial supplements formulated for be...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of substituting soybean meal for urea on milk prot...
Biuret, a non protein nitrogen compound, has shown promise as a protein substitute for ruminants fed...
Tests with urea in beef cattle rations have been conducted at the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Sta...
One primiparous and 3 multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas ...