One hundred and forty-four finishing pigs (initial weight 126 lb) were utilized to determine the effects of PST dosage (4 or 8 mg PST' head^-1day^-1 ) and dietary lysine level (.8, 1,0, 1.2, or 1.4%) on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Pigs were injected daily in the extensor muscle of the neck with either 4 or 8 mg PST and fed a pelleted corn-soybean meal-sesame meal diet containing .8% lysine. Additional lysine levels of 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4% were provided by L-lysine HCl. Control pigs (placebo injection) received the .8% lysine diet. All diets were formulated to contain at least 220% of NRC (1979) recommendations for other amino acids, vitamins and minerals. There were no PST x lysine interactions for any observed traits (P>...