Yamato-793605 is a lherzolitic shergottite and very similar in texture and mineralogy to other two lherzolitic shergottites, ALHA77005 and LEW88516,but is not a pair with the latter two. It consists mainly of olivine, pyroxene, maskelynite, chromite, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite. Small silicate inclusions occur in olivine and pyroxene. Olivine has a wide compositional range from Fo_ to Fo_, that included in pyroxene is more magnesian, and that in contact with maskelynite is more ferroan. Chromite shows remarkable compositional zoning, and the ranges change according to the occurrence of chromite; chromite included in olivine is Cr-Ti-poor, that in pyroxene is Cr-rich and Ti-poor, and that in contact with maskelynite is Ti-rich. There is a compo...