See 315 for similar photoA cathedral in Cuzco, Peru.Yale South American ExpeditionGrayscaleBowman ni...
In the nearly five centuries spanning 1532 to 2015, Peru has experienced three primary political era...
Black and white lantern slides showing a group of four missionaries from the Peruvian Inland Mission...
Peru - three leaders of the Husco Church
Bolivian church leaders, 1972.
Depiction of the Holy Family in Peruvian dress
Our sod church at Chuchucamaya, Bolivia very near the Peruvian line.https://digitalcommons.georgefox...
Missionaries, 1936.
In the footsteps of the lord of miracles: The expatriation of religious icons in the Peruvian diaspo...
Black and white lantern slide showing three smartly dressed Peruvian men in trousers, shirts and tie...
See 315 for similar photoA cathedral in Cuzco, Peru.Yale South American ExpeditionGrayscaleBowman ni...
In the nearly five centuries spanning 1532 to 2015, Peru has experienced three primary political era...
Black and white lantern slides showing a group of four missionaries from the Peruvian Inland Mission...
Peru - three leaders of the Husco Church
Bolivian church leaders, 1972.
Depiction of the Holy Family in Peruvian dress
Our sod church at Chuchucamaya, Bolivia very near the Peruvian line.https://digitalcommons.georgefox...
Missionaries, 1936.
In the footsteps of the lord of miracles: The expatriation of religious icons in the Peruvian diaspo...
Black and white lantern slide showing three smartly dressed Peruvian men in trousers, shirts and tie...
See 315 for similar photoA cathedral in Cuzco, Peru.Yale South American ExpeditionGrayscaleBowman ni...
In the nearly five centuries spanning 1532 to 2015, Peru has experienced three primary political era...
Black and white lantern slides showing a group of four missionaries from the Peruvian Inland Mission...