CONTENTS: From the Editors; Book Reviews: Girls’ Studies: Gendered Subjectivity and the Female Body: Discovering Agency and Power, by Brenda Boudreau; Mass Marketing and our Daughters, by Lise Mae Schlosser; Educating the Girl: Learning and Schooling in America ...and Elsewhere, by Rebekah Buchanan; Girls, Grrrls, Gurls, and the Tools They Use, by Lanette Cadle; ‘Othered’ Girls: Growing Up Between Two Worlds, by Sarah Hentges; Disruptive Girlhoods: Books on Aggression in Girls, by Jillian Hernandez; Reimagining Girlhood: Girls’ Writings and Self-Portrayals, by Sarah Myers; Great Reads for Young Girls, by Marge Loch-Wouters; What Adolescent Girls Read, by Elaine O’Quinn; Round-Up 2: Blogs and Other E-Tools for Women’s Stud...