Contents: FROM THE EDITORS. BOOK REVIEWS: Narratives from Women of Color in the Halls of Academe, by Pat Washington. Young Activists and the New “No Wave”: Two Anthologies for a Feminist Future, by Alycia Sellie. Learning from Student Learning: A Librarian-Instructor’s View of Her Information Literacy Class, by Carroll Wetzel Wilkinson. FEMINIST VISIONS: Honoring the Forgotten History of Birth Control, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard. The Personal Breast Is Political: Documentaries about Women, the Environment, and Cancer, by JoAnne Lehman. E-SOURCES ON WOMEN & GENDER. NEW REFERENCE WORKS IN WOMEN'S STUDIES. PERIODICAL NOTES. ITEMS OF NOTE. BOOKS AND AUDIOVISUALS RECENTLY RECEIVED. SUBSCRIPTION FORM.Subtitle: A Quarterly of Women'...