During the past decade, microprocessors potential performance has increased at a tremendous rate using RISC concept, higher and higher clock frequencies and parallel / pipelined instruction issuing. As the gap between the main memory access time and the potential average instruction time is always increasing, it has become very important to improve the behavior of the caches, particularly when no secondary cache is used (i.e. on all low cost microprocessor systems ). In order to improve cache hit ratios, set-associative caches are used in most of the new superscalar microprocessors. In this paper, we present a new organization for a multi-bank cache : the skewed-associative cache. Skewed-associative caches have a better behavior than set-as...
1 Introduction To attack the speed gap between processor and main memory, aggressive cache architect...
Abstract—The ever-increasing importance of main memory latency and bandwidth is pushing CMPs towards...
In this writing assignment is discussed about the system cache memory on the microcomputer system wi...
During the past decade, microprocessors potential performance has increased at a tremendous rate usi...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank cach es: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skew...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
The organization of the skewed-associative cache has been presented in the IRISA report 645. We pres...
: Skewed-associative caches have been shown to statisticaly exhibit lower miss ratios than set-assoc...
A new cache memory organization called “Shared-Way Set Associative” (SWSA) is described in this pape...
Skewed-associative caches use several hash functions to reduce collisions in caches without increasi...
The common approach to reduce cache conflicts is to in-crease the associativity. From a dynamic powe...
In 1993, sizes of on-chip caches on current commercial microprocessors range from 16 Kbytes to 36 Kb...
Data caches are widely used in general-purpose pro-cessors as a means to hide long memory latencies....
Since the gap between main memory access time and processor cycle time is continuously increasing, p...
1 Introduction To attack the speed gap between processor and main memory, aggressive cache architect...
Abstract—The ever-increasing importance of main memory latency and bandwidth is pushing CMPs towards...
In this writing assignment is discussed about the system cache memory on the microcomputer system wi...
During the past decade, microprocessors potential performance has increased at a tremendous rate usi...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank cach es: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skew...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
The organization of the skewed-associative cache has been presented in the IRISA report 645. We pres...
: Skewed-associative caches have been shown to statisticaly exhibit lower miss ratios than set-assoc...
A new cache memory organization called “Shared-Way Set Associative” (SWSA) is described in this pape...
Skewed-associative caches use several hash functions to reduce collisions in caches without increasi...
The common approach to reduce cache conflicts is to in-crease the associativity. From a dynamic powe...
In 1993, sizes of on-chip caches on current commercial microprocessors range from 16 Kbytes to 36 Kb...
Data caches are widely used in general-purpose pro-cessors as a means to hide long memory latencies....
Since the gap between main memory access time and processor cycle time is continuously increasing, p...
1 Introduction To attack the speed gap between processor and main memory, aggressive cache architect...
Abstract—The ever-increasing importance of main memory latency and bandwidth is pushing CMPs towards...
In this writing assignment is discussed about the system cache memory on the microcomputer system wi...