1 Introduction To attack the speed gap between processor and main memory, aggressive cache architectures are widely employed in current general purpose microprocessors. For example, Alpha 21264 [5] processor has a 64KB, 2-way set associative L1 data cache and an L1 instruction cache of the same size. Cache design is a trade-off of many factors including hit latency, miss rate, chip area and power consumption. Balancing all these factors results in complex designs
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank cach es: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skew...
As processors become faster, memory performance becomes a serious bottleneck. In recent years memor...
With each technology generation we get more transistors per chip. Whilst processor frequencies have ...
Data caches are widely used in general-purpose pro-cessors as a means to hide long memory latencies....
[[abstract]]Conventional set‐associative caches, with higher associativity, provide lower miss rates...
Caches consume a significant amount of energy in modern microprocessors. To design an energy-efficie...
Abstract: Caches contribute to much of a microprocessor system's set-associative cache. However...
In this paper, we propose several different data and instruction cache configurations and analyze th...
Nearly all modern computing systems employ caches to hide the memory latency. Modern processors ofte...
Abstract. Power consumption is becoming one of the most important con-straints for microprocessor de...
During the past decade, microprocessors potential performance has increased at a tremendous rate usi...
Embedded systems are getting popular in today’s world. They are usually small and thus have a limite...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
The common approach to reduce cache conflicts is to in-crease the associativity. From a dynamic powe...
Abstract: Problem statement: Multi-core trends are becoming dominant, creating sophisticated and com...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank cach es: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skew...
As processors become faster, memory performance becomes a serious bottleneck. In recent years memor...
With each technology generation we get more transistors per chip. Whilst processor frequencies have ...
Data caches are widely used in general-purpose pro-cessors as a means to hide long memory latencies....
[[abstract]]Conventional set‐associative caches, with higher associativity, provide lower miss rates...
Caches consume a significant amount of energy in modern microprocessors. To design an energy-efficie...
Abstract: Caches contribute to much of a microprocessor system's set-associative cache. However...
In this paper, we propose several different data and instruction cache configurations and analyze th...
Nearly all modern computing systems employ caches to hide the memory latency. Modern processors ofte...
Abstract. Power consumption is becoming one of the most important con-straints for microprocessor de...
During the past decade, microprocessors potential performance has increased at a tremendous rate usi...
Embedded systems are getting popular in today’s world. They are usually small and thus have a limite...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank caches: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skewe...
The common approach to reduce cache conflicts is to in-crease the associativity. From a dynamic powe...
Abstract: Problem statement: Multi-core trends are becoming dominant, creating sophisticated and com...
We introduce a new organization for multi-bank cach es: the skewed-associative cache. A two-way skew...
As processors become faster, memory performance becomes a serious bottleneck. In recent years memor...
With each technology generation we get more transistors per chip. Whilst processor frequencies have ...