The paper clarifies issues of negative environmental impact from aspects of ecological security. Issues of possible consequences of the lack of ecological security nationally and globally and the role in achieving the required level of the ecological security are also discussed. The role of the military in solving environmental problems as an important factor of national security are particularly examined. The impacts of climate changes and acid rains, as well as current and possible consequences of global environmental problems are also exemplified.U radu se rasvetljavaju pitanja negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu sa aspekata ekološke bezbednosti. Takođe, razmatrane su moguće posledice nedostatka ekološke bezbednosti na nacionalnom i gl...
During 20th century several wars were conducted in the world. It can be claimed that these wars caus...
V današnjem času se soočamo s številnimi varnostnimi grožnjami, med katerimi se pojavljajo tudi nara...
The developments after industrial revolution have brought environmental degradation to the stage as ...
The paper points out the place and role that environmental problems in the strategic security docume...
Taking into account the fact that the concept of human security has got to play an important role in...
Ecological security, at the local and global levels, is becoming one of the priority tasks of modern...
This article looks at the question of the influence of armament and military activity on the environ...
Klimatske promjene, gubitak bioraznolikosti, zagađenje zraka, deforestacija, degradacija tla i pren...
Cilj ovog rada je opisati i objasniti utjecaj globalnog zagrijavanja i oružanih sukoba na okoliš, tj...
Current global ecological problems become an unavoidable topic because today imperative is preservat...
Značenje pojma sigurnosti kroz povijest se mijenjalo i širilo. Izazovi 21. stoljeća ne mogu se savla...
Currently, the environmental security is considered one of the most important components of the nati...
The experience of the XX – the beginning of XXI century demonstrates the crucial importance of secur...
Onečišćenje okoliša te ugroženost životne sredine zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća predstavlju značajan p...
Sustavno istraživanje izravnih i neizravnih utjecaja ljudskih djelatnosti na okoliš započelo je razv...
During 20th century several wars were conducted in the world. It can be claimed that these wars caus...
V današnjem času se soočamo s številnimi varnostnimi grožnjami, med katerimi se pojavljajo tudi nara...
The developments after industrial revolution have brought environmental degradation to the stage as ...
The paper points out the place and role that environmental problems in the strategic security docume...
Taking into account the fact that the concept of human security has got to play an important role in...
Ecological security, at the local and global levels, is becoming one of the priority tasks of modern...
This article looks at the question of the influence of armament and military activity on the environ...
Klimatske promjene, gubitak bioraznolikosti, zagađenje zraka, deforestacija, degradacija tla i pren...
Cilj ovog rada je opisati i objasniti utjecaj globalnog zagrijavanja i oružanih sukoba na okoliš, tj...
Current global ecological problems become an unavoidable topic because today imperative is preservat...
Značenje pojma sigurnosti kroz povijest se mijenjalo i širilo. Izazovi 21. stoljeća ne mogu se savla...
Currently, the environmental security is considered one of the most important components of the nati...
The experience of the XX – the beginning of XXI century demonstrates the crucial importance of secur...
Onečišćenje okoliša te ugroženost životne sredine zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća predstavlju značajan p...
Sustavno istraživanje izravnih i neizravnih utjecaja ljudskih djelatnosti na okoliš započelo je razv...
During 20th century several wars were conducted in the world. It can be claimed that these wars caus...
V današnjem času se soočamo s številnimi varnostnimi grožnjami, med katerimi se pojavljajo tudi nara...
The developments after industrial revolution have brought environmental degradation to the stage as ...