The review takes a look at the method of documentary theatre as a research method as well as a research outcome alongside the benefits that the context provides. Additionally, the review focuses on challenges caused by sensory aspects of the research data. This is conducted via a case study.Katsaus käsittelee dokumenttiteatteria tutkimusmenetelmänä ja tutkimustuloksena, sen tarjoamia sisällöllisiä mahdollisuuksia ja tutkimustiedon sensoriseen ulottuvuuteen liittyviä raportoinnin haasteita yhden tapausesimerkin kautta
Ruotsalainen Andreas Fejes on julkaissut ahkerasti artikkeleita ja kirjoja aikuiskoulutuksesta ja el...
Henriikka Mustajoki ja Arto Mustajoki: A New Approach to Research Ethics. Using Guided Dialogue to ...
This article looks at the transformations of Finnish school culture over the past 80 years by examin...
School memories have recently aroused wider research interest. They have the potential to shed light...
Kohti vertailevaa tyylitutkimustaElokuvan tyylitutkimuksen piirissä on muun muassa Cinemetrics-verkk...
The article examines rehearsals of a theatre project for young adults, and episodes during which the...
The article focuses on art education in the context of contemporary culture. The writer suggests tha...
The article discusses interdisciplinarity from a theoretical and historical point of view. The probl...
Kirjallinen elämä markkinaperusteisessa mediayhteiskunnassa. Toim. Elina Arminen, Anna Logrén ja Erk...
Intermediaries of the Artworld. From Pipeline to Actor-Network looks at the different ways in which ...
Kirja-arvioTykkyläinen, Tuula: Puheterapeutti ja lapsi puheterapiatehtävää tekemässä ohjailevan toi...
Research de lege ferenda in procedural law and insolvency lawThe article discusses how research of l...
Joy and struggle for renewal : a narrative inquiry into expertise in job transitions, Ulpukka Isopah...
In this article, a philosophical inquiry into the dialectical relationship between socialization and...
In this paper, we examine the methodological questions concerning children’s knowledge production wh...
Ruotsalainen Andreas Fejes on julkaissut ahkerasti artikkeleita ja kirjoja aikuiskoulutuksesta ja el...
Henriikka Mustajoki ja Arto Mustajoki: A New Approach to Research Ethics. Using Guided Dialogue to ...
This article looks at the transformations of Finnish school culture over the past 80 years by examin...
School memories have recently aroused wider research interest. They have the potential to shed light...
Kohti vertailevaa tyylitutkimustaElokuvan tyylitutkimuksen piirissä on muun muassa Cinemetrics-verkk...
The article examines rehearsals of a theatre project for young adults, and episodes during which the...
The article focuses on art education in the context of contemporary culture. The writer suggests tha...
The article discusses interdisciplinarity from a theoretical and historical point of view. The probl...
Kirjallinen elämä markkinaperusteisessa mediayhteiskunnassa. Toim. Elina Arminen, Anna Logrén ja Erk...
Intermediaries of the Artworld. From Pipeline to Actor-Network looks at the different ways in which ...
Kirja-arvioTykkyläinen, Tuula: Puheterapeutti ja lapsi puheterapiatehtävää tekemässä ohjailevan toi...
Research de lege ferenda in procedural law and insolvency lawThe article discusses how research of l...
Joy and struggle for renewal : a narrative inquiry into expertise in job transitions, Ulpukka Isopah...
In this article, a philosophical inquiry into the dialectical relationship between socialization and...
In this paper, we examine the methodological questions concerning children’s knowledge production wh...
Ruotsalainen Andreas Fejes on julkaissut ahkerasti artikkeleita ja kirjoja aikuiskoulutuksesta ja el...
Henriikka Mustajoki ja Arto Mustajoki: A New Approach to Research Ethics. Using Guided Dialogue to ...
This article looks at the transformations of Finnish school culture over the past 80 years by examin...