The Devonian record of the Cantabrian Zone (NW SpainJ is formed of an alternation of siliciclastic and carbonate units, chicfly of shallow water origin, that were deposited on the North Gondwanan pasive margin prior to the onset of the Variscan orogeny (Carboniferous).The carbonate units range from a few tens to some two hundred metres in thickness and record deposition in carbonate platforms of mainly ramp type. They are relatively rich in reefal faunas in such a way that seven reefal episodes ol uneven importance. spanning from earliest Pragian to Famennian, have been distinguished. These reefal episodes consist of coral and stromatoporoid bioherms and biostromes with a local appearance of niud mounds
Relative sea level fluctuations during the Frasnian generated two shallow-marine, mixed siliciclasti...
A continuous sequence of about 1000 m of Devonian sediments has been found in the Valsurvio dome, ra...
After a short introduction on the reef development during the Late Palaeozoic, the tectono-stratigra...
The aim of this excursion is to show the Devonian and Carboniferous reefal development in the Canta...
Devonian rocks in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) are well known for their abundant content in reefal...
In the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain), as in other North Gondwanan regions, the first Devonian stage of ...
Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN ...
Devonian reef faunas in the Cantabrian Zone are well known through several works done by the Resear...
p. 23-33Las Formaciones Candás y Portilla (Givetiense-Frasniense inferior) son dos unidades lateralm...
The Santa Lucía Formation represents the major phase in Devonian reef development of the Cantabrian ...
The record of Lower and Middle Devonian sedimentation in the SW border of the Iberian Massif is scar...
Within the Cantabrian zone during the Devonian and Early Carboniferous three large palaeogeographica...
The oldest reefal episode in the Cantabrian Zone (earliest Pragian) consists of small biostromal pat...
Three members are informally distinguished in this formation (A, B, and C from base to top). They ar...
The Devonian succession between the Guadiana and Guadalquivir Valleys in the Obejo-Valsequillo Domai...
Relative sea level fluctuations during the Frasnian generated two shallow-marine, mixed siliciclasti...
A continuous sequence of about 1000 m of Devonian sediments has been found in the Valsurvio dome, ra...
After a short introduction on the reef development during the Late Palaeozoic, the tectono-stratigra...
The aim of this excursion is to show the Devonian and Carboniferous reefal development in the Canta...
Devonian rocks in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) are well known for their abundant content in reefal...
In the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain), as in other North Gondwanan regions, the first Devonian stage of ...
Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN ...
Devonian reef faunas in the Cantabrian Zone are well known through several works done by the Resear...
p. 23-33Las Formaciones Candás y Portilla (Givetiense-Frasniense inferior) son dos unidades lateralm...
The Santa Lucía Formation represents the major phase in Devonian reef development of the Cantabrian ...
The record of Lower and Middle Devonian sedimentation in the SW border of the Iberian Massif is scar...
Within the Cantabrian zone during the Devonian and Early Carboniferous three large palaeogeographica...
The oldest reefal episode in the Cantabrian Zone (earliest Pragian) consists of small biostromal pat...
Three members are informally distinguished in this formation (A, B, and C from base to top). They ar...
The Devonian succession between the Guadiana and Guadalquivir Valleys in the Obejo-Valsequillo Domai...
Relative sea level fluctuations during the Frasnian generated two shallow-marine, mixed siliciclasti...
A continuous sequence of about 1000 m of Devonian sediments has been found in the Valsurvio dome, ra...
After a short introduction on the reef development during the Late Palaeozoic, the tectono-stratigra...