Wedding Agreement is an adaptation of a novel of the same name by Eria Chuzaimiah who is known by the name Mia Chuz, in this film tells the story ofa marriage that begins with an arranged marriage, a child who is willing to accept being married to his parents' choice. The purpose of this research want to study and observe how big the da'wah messages are in the film itself. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive type and the basis of the research uses content analysiswhere the unit of analysis is the scenes and dialogues of the film.When conducting the analysis, the researcher was assisted by two coders who had an academic background in the audio-visual field, then processed using the formula from Holsty and Scott Pi. Fr...
This study aims to determine the image of women in the wedding agreement film that aired on the Indo...
Dakwah adalah proses penyebaran pesan dakwah (Ajaran Islam) dengan meninjau penerapan teknik, media,...
The form of Islamic da'wah is currently very rapidly advancing, as is the use of its da'wah media. D...
The form of Islamic da'wah is currently very rapidly advancing, as is the use of its da'wah media. D...
Film is a communicative medium in conveying messages, because the message to be conveyed is visualiz...
The use of film for conveying the message of da'wah is seen as a new approach that has to be taken ...
Movie as a mass communication medium has a wide reach. The theme and topic of islamic-romance movies...
The main problem of this research is how the messages of preaching in Film Syurga Cinta, so the main...
This This study examines (1) To find out the meaning of Da'wah in the Flim Series "Ustad Millennials...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isi pesan dakwah dan hikmah apa saja yang dapat dipetik...
Da'wah is an activity that calls, invites or calls others to obey the teachings of Allah SWT in acco...
Along with the development of the times and technology, of course there are many things that must be...
Along with the development of the times and technology, of course there are many things that must be...
Movie is one of the most effective tools for da’wah in present time and also in future. Regardless o...
In this paper, after defining the normative approach of Islam to marriage in areas such as the diffe...
This study aims to determine the image of women in the wedding agreement film that aired on the Indo...
Dakwah adalah proses penyebaran pesan dakwah (Ajaran Islam) dengan meninjau penerapan teknik, media,...
The form of Islamic da'wah is currently very rapidly advancing, as is the use of its da'wah media. D...
The form of Islamic da'wah is currently very rapidly advancing, as is the use of its da'wah media. D...
Film is a communicative medium in conveying messages, because the message to be conveyed is visualiz...
The use of film for conveying the message of da'wah is seen as a new approach that has to be taken ...
Movie as a mass communication medium has a wide reach. The theme and topic of islamic-romance movies...
The main problem of this research is how the messages of preaching in Film Syurga Cinta, so the main...
This This study examines (1) To find out the meaning of Da'wah in the Flim Series "Ustad Millennials...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isi pesan dakwah dan hikmah apa saja yang dapat dipetik...
Da'wah is an activity that calls, invites or calls others to obey the teachings of Allah SWT in acco...
Along with the development of the times and technology, of course there are many things that must be...
Along with the development of the times and technology, of course there are many things that must be...
Movie is one of the most effective tools for da’wah in present time and also in future. Regardless o...
In this paper, after defining the normative approach of Islam to marriage in areas such as the diffe...
This study aims to determine the image of women in the wedding agreement film that aired on the Indo...
Dakwah adalah proses penyebaran pesan dakwah (Ajaran Islam) dengan meninjau penerapan teknik, media,...
The form of Islamic da'wah is currently very rapidly advancing, as is the use of its da'wah media. D...