We consider photons strongly coupled to the excitonic excitations of a coupled quantum well, in the presence of an electric field. We show how, under a field increase, the hybrid polariton made of a photon coupled to hybrid carriers lying in the two wells transforms into a dipolariton made of a photon coupled to direct and indirect excitons. We also show how the cavity photon lifetime and the coherence time of the carrier wave vectors that we analytically handle through non-hermitian Hamiltonians affect these polaritonic states. While the hybrid polaritons display a spectral singularity where the eigenvalues coalesce, known as an exceptional point, that depends on detuning and lifetimes, we find that the three dipolaritonic states display a...
In this theoretical work, we study a double quantum dot interacting strongly with a microcavity, whi...
We study hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities in the strong coupling regime. The optically resonan...
Polaritons are quasi-particles composed of a superposition of excitons and photons that can be creat...
peer reviewedWe consider photons strongly coupled to the excitonic excitations of a coupled quantum ...
We demonstrate an efficient switching between strong and weak exciton-photon coupling regimes in mic...
We present a precise calculation of spatially-indirect exciton states in semiconductor coupled quant...
We present a microscopic calculation of spatially indirect exciton states in semiconductor coupled q...
We study a hybrid system formed from an optomechanical resonator and a cavity mode strongly coupled ...
Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles formed by strongly interacting photons and...
In this dissertation, we report on quantum optics experiments in a cavity quantum electrodynamics se...
Polaritons are quasi-particles composed of a superposition of excitons and photons that can be creat...
We develop a quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian formulation to treat the polariton in the frame- work of...
This thesis presents a theoretical investigation of exciton polaritons in strongly-coupled exciton-p...
Strong light matter coupling between excitons and microcavity photons, as described in the framework...
In high finesse semiconductor microcavities containing quantum wells, photons emitted by the quantum...
In this theoretical work, we study a double quantum dot interacting strongly with a microcavity, whi...
We study hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities in the strong coupling regime. The optically resonan...
Polaritons are quasi-particles composed of a superposition of excitons and photons that can be creat...
peer reviewedWe consider photons strongly coupled to the excitonic excitations of a coupled quantum ...
We demonstrate an efficient switching between strong and weak exciton-photon coupling regimes in mic...
We present a precise calculation of spatially-indirect exciton states in semiconductor coupled quant...
We present a microscopic calculation of spatially indirect exciton states in semiconductor coupled q...
We study a hybrid system formed from an optomechanical resonator and a cavity mode strongly coupled ...
Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles formed by strongly interacting photons and...
In this dissertation, we report on quantum optics experiments in a cavity quantum electrodynamics se...
Polaritons are quasi-particles composed of a superposition of excitons and photons that can be creat...
We develop a quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian formulation to treat the polariton in the frame- work of...
This thesis presents a theoretical investigation of exciton polaritons in strongly-coupled exciton-p...
Strong light matter coupling between excitons and microcavity photons, as described in the framework...
In high finesse semiconductor microcavities containing quantum wells, photons emitted by the quantum...
In this theoretical work, we study a double quantum dot interacting strongly with a microcavity, whi...
We study hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities in the strong coupling regime. The optically resonan...
Polaritons are quasi-particles composed of a superposition of excitons and photons that can be creat...