Alpian E, Ardiansyah RS, Wulandari NF, Ichsan MH, Putri K, Arsi A. 2021. Attack intensity of Spodoptera frugiperda in the vegetative phase of maize (Zea mays) in Sumatera Selatan. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 537-544. Palembang: Penerbit dan Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). Spodoptera frugiperda is a pest that attack corn plant which is the most destructive pest in corn cultivation in the vegetative phase, this problem caused losses to the corn farmer sector and reduces the economic side of corn farmers. This study aimed to determine the intensity of the attack of S. frugiperda larvae in the vegetative phase of maize. This research meth...
Ahmad SC, Aprilia D, Djulian D, Azzahra HE, Ayuningtias K, Azzahra LP, Arsi A. 2021. Inventory of pr...
Tanaman Jagung di Tanah Laut tengah mengalami ancaman serangan Hama invasif Ulat grayak Spodoptera f...
Spodoptera frugiperda atau ulat grayak tantara (fall army worm/FAW) adalah hama baru pada tanaman ja...
Alpian E, Ardiansyah RS, Wulandari NF, Ichsan MH, Putri K, Arsi A. 2021. Attack intensity of Spodopt...
Ariska N, Triagtin N, Fadillah RN, Amelia RP, Margaretha S, Pratiwi W, Hamidson H. 2021. Damage and ...
Pratama MA, Anggaraini E, Trianisti D, Putri SD, Situmorang YW. 2020. Attack intensity of spodoptera...
Agustin M, Lestari R, Hesti H, Mahani S, Maharani E, Amri MQ. 2021. Attack rate of spodoptera frugi...
Arsi, A., Rahmi, F., Oclara, E.C., Pratiwi, Y.A., Apriyanto, D., Indrajaya, T.A., & Alrifqi, M.A. (2...
Mamahit JME, Manueke J, Pakasi SE. 2020. Infasive pests fall army worm spodoptera frugiperda (J.E...
The density and attack rates of Spodoptera frugiperda have been reported in various maize cul...
Apriyana E, Syaputra H, Sardilla K, Nasution NA, Nofetra T, Rahmawati T, Irsan C. 2021. Tingkat Sera...
Spodoptera frugiperda was found to have entered Indonesia and damaged maize crops. There is a...
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a plant that is in great demand by Indonesian people, so farmers in indonesia...
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a new pest in maize cropping inIndones...
Fajar FNI, Sirait DDCP, Saputra EA, Muis M, Nugraha R, Pujiastuti Y. 2021. Population of Spodoptera ...
Ahmad SC, Aprilia D, Djulian D, Azzahra HE, Ayuningtias K, Azzahra LP, Arsi A. 2021. Inventory of pr...
Tanaman Jagung di Tanah Laut tengah mengalami ancaman serangan Hama invasif Ulat grayak Spodoptera f...
Spodoptera frugiperda atau ulat grayak tantara (fall army worm/FAW) adalah hama baru pada tanaman ja...
Alpian E, Ardiansyah RS, Wulandari NF, Ichsan MH, Putri K, Arsi A. 2021. Attack intensity of Spodopt...
Ariska N, Triagtin N, Fadillah RN, Amelia RP, Margaretha S, Pratiwi W, Hamidson H. 2021. Damage and ...
Pratama MA, Anggaraini E, Trianisti D, Putri SD, Situmorang YW. 2020. Attack intensity of spodoptera...
Agustin M, Lestari R, Hesti H, Mahani S, Maharani E, Amri MQ. 2021. Attack rate of spodoptera frugi...
Arsi, A., Rahmi, F., Oclara, E.C., Pratiwi, Y.A., Apriyanto, D., Indrajaya, T.A., & Alrifqi, M.A. (2...
Mamahit JME, Manueke J, Pakasi SE. 2020. Infasive pests fall army worm spodoptera frugiperda (J.E...
The density and attack rates of Spodoptera frugiperda have been reported in various maize cul...
Apriyana E, Syaputra H, Sardilla K, Nasution NA, Nofetra T, Rahmawati T, Irsan C. 2021. Tingkat Sera...
Spodoptera frugiperda was found to have entered Indonesia and damaged maize crops. There is a...
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a plant that is in great demand by Indonesian people, so farmers in indonesia...
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a new pest in maize cropping inIndones...
Fajar FNI, Sirait DDCP, Saputra EA, Muis M, Nugraha R, Pujiastuti Y. 2021. Population of Spodoptera ...
Ahmad SC, Aprilia D, Djulian D, Azzahra HE, Ayuningtias K, Azzahra LP, Arsi A. 2021. Inventory of pr...
Tanaman Jagung di Tanah Laut tengah mengalami ancaman serangan Hama invasif Ulat grayak Spodoptera f...
Spodoptera frugiperda atau ulat grayak tantara (fall army worm/FAW) adalah hama baru pada tanaman ja...