ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisbane. He had to live in his yellow car, after finding out that his scholarship had been corrupted. Priyo began his new journey when he met Pamela (17), a runaway musician who was stuck in Brisbane for a night during her trip to Sydney. Their friendship grows stronger when they played music and performed together at Brisbane streets. Unfortunately, Priyo’s car was vandalized due to his religion. Later on, their friendship was tested as they explore the city for the first time. The film explores the journey to find the meanings of passion, dream, and faith. Depicted by the main character who is an Indonesian student, the film attempts to share th...
Domestic Help is a short film produced by four final year students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Comm...
Personality is an arrangement of system behavior in each individual often times memorialized in a fr...
While the feature film has been the flagship of the Australian film revival and the short film has a...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
This project is a 15 to 20 minute short film giving visibility on the reality of how success is meas...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
A short film about an Asperger’s Syndrome sufferer defending the contents of a secret room, produced...
Currently, people in Indonesia are being faced with the COVID-19 virus which has been endemic throug...
In the Philippines, there are different attitudes that come from different social class, this not on...
The title of this final report is Designing a short film script “Mie and Me” to introduce the boardi...
This paper explained the process and the result of my final project which is a screenplay entitled G...
A short fiction movie Kim Soo Ri is a children’s movie based on the K-pop phenomenon. This movie tel...
The title of this final report is Designing a short film “Food Hunters” as one of media to promote P...
Swinburne University of Technology welcomed a new group of AusAID scholarship students from across S...
Domestic Help is a short film produced by four final year students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Comm...
Personality is an arrangement of system behavior in each individual often times memorialized in a fr...
While the feature film has been the flagship of the Australian film revival and the short film has a...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
This project is a 15 to 20 minute short film giving visibility on the reality of how success is meas...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
A short film about an Asperger’s Syndrome sufferer defending the contents of a secret room, produced...
Currently, people in Indonesia are being faced with the COVID-19 virus which has been endemic throug...
In the Philippines, there are different attitudes that come from different social class, this not on...
The title of this final report is Designing a short film script “Mie and Me” to introduce the boardi...
This paper explained the process and the result of my final project which is a screenplay entitled G...
A short fiction movie Kim Soo Ri is a children’s movie based on the K-pop phenomenon. This movie tel...
The title of this final report is Designing a short film “Food Hunters” as one of media to promote P...
Swinburne University of Technology welcomed a new group of AusAID scholarship students from across S...
Domestic Help is a short film produced by four final year students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Comm...
Personality is an arrangement of system behavior in each individual often times memorialized in a fr...
While the feature film has been the flagship of the Australian film revival and the short film has a...