UIDB/00693/2020 UIDP/00693/2020These are the first two volumes of three constituting a remarkable survey of the history of Romanian music. It is remarkable because of its historical breadth and because it brings together chapters by some of the finest Romanian musicologists working today. The third volume, still in production, will deal with the work of some sixty Romanian composers born after 1870 and up to 1970.publishersversionpublishe
Machabey Armand. Chailley (J.) et vingt-quatre collaborateurs. — Précis de Musicologie, 1958. In: Ro...
R. M. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, LIII (1933), 3-4. In: Romania, tome 61 n°241, 1935. pp....
Jeanroy Alfred. Die Lieder des altfranzoesisehen Lyrikers Jehan de Nuevile... von Max Richter, 1904....
The nine volumes of the "Romanian Music Chronicle", printed by the Music Publishing Hause, Bucharest...
M. P. Atti del Gongresso internazionale di scienze storiche (Roma, 1-9 aprile 1903). Vol. IV. Atti d...
Title: Istoria civilizaţiei române moderne (The history of modern Romanian civilization) Originally ...
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, XXX, 3. In: Romania, tome 35 n°140, 1906. pp. 620-622
Suchier Hermann. Recherches sur les chansons de Guillaume d'Orange (premier article). In: Romania, t...
R. M. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, LVI (1936), 3-4. In: Romania, tome 63 n°250, 1937. pp. ...
Storm J. Etude sur le vocalisme des Serments de Strasbourg. In: Romania, tome 3 n°10, 1874. pp. 286-...
Chansons et dits artésiens du XIIIe siècle, publiés avec une Introduction, un Index des noms propres...
M. P. Studi di Filología romanza, pubblicati da E. Monaci e C. de Lollis, vol. IX (fasc. 24, 25, 26)...
abstract: ABSTRACT The bassoon has the ability to play in varying styles across multiple genres wi...
Bertoni G. F. Novati. Contributo alla storia della lírica musicale italiana popolareggiante dei sec....
P. G. Ueber das Metrum der Chanson de Roland. Inaugural-Dissertation... von Franz Hill, 1874. In: Ro...
Machabey Armand. Chailley (J.) et vingt-quatre collaborateurs. — Précis de Musicologie, 1958. In: Ro...
R. M. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, LIII (1933), 3-4. In: Romania, tome 61 n°241, 1935. pp....
Jeanroy Alfred. Die Lieder des altfranzoesisehen Lyrikers Jehan de Nuevile... von Max Richter, 1904....
The nine volumes of the "Romanian Music Chronicle", printed by the Music Publishing Hause, Bucharest...
M. P. Atti del Gongresso internazionale di scienze storiche (Roma, 1-9 aprile 1903). Vol. IV. Atti d...
Title: Istoria civilizaţiei române moderne (The history of modern Romanian civilization) Originally ...
Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, XXX, 3. In: Romania, tome 35 n°140, 1906. pp. 620-622
Suchier Hermann. Recherches sur les chansons de Guillaume d'Orange (premier article). In: Romania, t...
R. M. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, LVI (1936), 3-4. In: Romania, tome 63 n°250, 1937. pp. ...
Storm J. Etude sur le vocalisme des Serments de Strasbourg. In: Romania, tome 3 n°10, 1874. pp. 286-...
Chansons et dits artésiens du XIIIe siècle, publiés avec une Introduction, un Index des noms propres...
M. P. Studi di Filología romanza, pubblicati da E. Monaci e C. de Lollis, vol. IX (fasc. 24, 25, 26)...
abstract: ABSTRACT The bassoon has the ability to play in varying styles across multiple genres wi...
Bertoni G. F. Novati. Contributo alla storia della lírica musicale italiana popolareggiante dei sec....
P. G. Ueber das Metrum der Chanson de Roland. Inaugural-Dissertation... von Franz Hill, 1874. In: Ro...
Machabey Armand. Chailley (J.) et vingt-quatre collaborateurs. — Précis de Musicologie, 1958. In: Ro...
R. M. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, LIII (1933), 3-4. In: Romania, tome 61 n°241, 1935. pp....
Jeanroy Alfred. Die Lieder des altfranzoesisehen Lyrikers Jehan de Nuevile... von Max Richter, 1904....