ABSTRACT Justice, since the first issue, has been the subject of study both among philosophers and among theologians, politicians and thinkers or legal experts. However, if there are questions about justice, could not be determined what measures are used to determine something is fair or not. Various answers about justice usually never or rarely satisfying so that continues to be debated, so it can be concluded that the various formulations of justice is a relative statement. This issue ultimately encourages many people to take a shortcut by submitting formulation of justice to the legislators and judges who will formulate it based on their own considerations
Esensi dalam penegakan hukum adalah keadilan. Keadilan itu sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam makna, t...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keadilan dalam pespektif hukum Islam. Dengan me...
Human needs society to socialize and to maintain the orderliness in the society required norms as gu...
ABSTRACT Justice, since the first issue, has been the subject of study both among philosophers and a...
This paper compares the concept of justice in the viewpoint of legal philosophy and the philosophy o...
This paper compares the concept of justice in the viewpoint of legal philosophy and the philosophy o...
This paper describes the legal justice. There is a view that justice is based on the provisions of l...
Justice is essentially an ethical concept, a moral concept. As a moral concept, justice aims to seek...
Putusan hakim kerap menimbulkan polemik di masyarakat karena dianggap tidak mencerminkan rasa keadil...
Talking about law is about human relations. Talking about human relationships is about justice. Thus...
Konsepsi atas keadilan yang diyakini oleh tiap-tiap individu di dalam sistem sosial tertentu, khusus...
Keadilan pada umumnya berkonotasi dengan penegakan hukum, dan keadilan harus ditegakkan dalam setia...
Justice is a state where by every one has equal opportunity improve their well bieng. While social j...
The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the role o...
Justice is the eternal struggle of humans, both theoretically and practically. More than two thousan...
Esensi dalam penegakan hukum adalah keadilan. Keadilan itu sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam makna, t...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keadilan dalam pespektif hukum Islam. Dengan me...
Human needs society to socialize and to maintain the orderliness in the society required norms as gu...
ABSTRACT Justice, since the first issue, has been the subject of study both among philosophers and a...
This paper compares the concept of justice in the viewpoint of legal philosophy and the philosophy o...
This paper compares the concept of justice in the viewpoint of legal philosophy and the philosophy o...
This paper describes the legal justice. There is a view that justice is based on the provisions of l...
Justice is essentially an ethical concept, a moral concept. As a moral concept, justice aims to seek...
Putusan hakim kerap menimbulkan polemik di masyarakat karena dianggap tidak mencerminkan rasa keadil...
Talking about law is about human relations. Talking about human relationships is about justice. Thus...
Konsepsi atas keadilan yang diyakini oleh tiap-tiap individu di dalam sistem sosial tertentu, khusus...
Keadilan pada umumnya berkonotasi dengan penegakan hukum, dan keadilan harus ditegakkan dalam setia...
Justice is a state where by every one has equal opportunity improve their well bieng. While social j...
The writer in this paper tried to investigated and describe the philosophical thoughts of the role o...
Justice is the eternal struggle of humans, both theoretically and practically. More than two thousan...
Esensi dalam penegakan hukum adalah keadilan. Keadilan itu sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam makna, t...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keadilan dalam pespektif hukum Islam. Dengan me...
Human needs society to socialize and to maintain the orderliness in the society required norms as gu...