MIRANDA, Maria do Socorro Barbosa de. Imagens do intelectual no Diário Íntimo de Lima Barreto. Revista Entrelaces, Fortaleza, v. 2, n. 9, p. 145-156, jan./jun. 2017.In this article, we work on a fragment of the Intimate diary of the Rio de Janiero writer Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto, giving priority to the analysis of two notes from 1908. The comprehension of the autobiographical narrative that underlies the analyses leads us not to the search for a supposed identity or a truth about the author of the text, but, more importantly, impels us to consider the account´s potential for moving “truths” and stereotypes, constructed and crystalized throughout the historical-literary process. In this regard, we try to capture, through the ambiguit...