Leung Mei Wa Airy."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2007-2008, design report."Includes bibliographical references (leaves 71).Chapter 0. --- AbstractChapter 1. --- Observation & ArgumentChapter 1.1 --- Background HistoryChapter 1.2 --- Building Types & Site OrganizationChapter 1.3 --- Building Form & Block OrganizationChapter 1.4 --- Comparison of Typical Unit CombinationChapter 1.5 --- Comparison of Average Living AreaChapter 2. --- Precedent StudiesChapter 2.1 --- Overview of Precedent CasesChapter 2.2 --- CasesChapter 3. --- Analysis of 3 Housing TypesChapter 3.1 --- Features of The 3 housing TypesChapter 3.2 --- Existing Conditions of The 3 Houwing TypesChapter 3.3 --- Ways to re...