Wong Chak Yuen, Edmond."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2009-2010, design report.""May 2010."Includes bibliographical references.Text in English with some Chinese.Chapter 0.0 --- TABLE OF CONTENTChapter 01 --- Defining ThesisChapter 1.0 --- Thesis AbstractChapter 02 --- MethodologyChapter 2.0 --- Typological RevolutionChapter 03 --- Catalysis for Mutation of TypeChapter 3.1 --- Crave for New Density under ripid urbanizationChapter 3.11 --- Urbanization Rate of ChinaChapter 3.12 --- Economical Benefit of Rapid UrbanizationChapter 3.13 --- Consequences of Rapid UrbanizationChapter 3.14 --- Distorted Sustainability in ChinaChapter 3.15 --- Social CostsChapter 3.16 --- Environmental ...