The 1980s: The Superhero genre experiments the most significant transformation since the creation of Superman in 1939. A new age of superheroes begins, in which the funny characters for children become darker, violent, brutal, more and more realistic, disenchanted and adult. In Supergods Grant Morrison will call it Dark Age, when the antihero takes the superhero’s place. The Dark Age is considered the biggest revolution in superheroes comics – and yet it is possible to see many warning signs during the Silver Age: a man – The Man – had already started to revolutionize the superheroes world: Stan Lee. Stan created dozens of characters: his superheroes are more complex and human than ever before. They are anticipating the Dark Age, twenty yea...
O presente trabalho é dedicado a estudar como Jerry Siegel, nas histórias de Superman, escreveu sobr...
Estudo sobre a publicação nacional dos super-heróis dos comic books dos EUA pela Editora Brasil-Amér...
Submitted by Biblioteca Central ( on 2019-10-11T17:52:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 ...
A década de 1980: O gênero Superhero experimenta a transformação mais significativa desde a criação ...
In this article we will use the essay mode to explain the market games present in the communication ...
Neste artigo são abordadas características temáticas e formais presentes nas histórias em quadrinhos...
Stan Lee was one of the most important persons to graphic novel and popular culture universes betwee...
O artigo aborda a história do surgimento das revistas em quadrinhos, em particular das revistas de s...
Through a basic chronological construction of the production and editing of American comics of the 1...
The representative figure of the mythological hero has an important significance for any and all soc...
Science fiction and comic books share similarities and can even overlap: there is science fiction in...
Este artigo abordará o surgimento de super-heróis brasileiros calcados nos moldes estadunidenses no ...
The first comic book with fictional representation of super powers, Action Comics nº1, is the result...
Partindo do ponto que o homem é considerado um ser simbólico e influenciado diretamente pelos aspect...
Captain America was created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. However, Stan Lee plays a key role ...
O presente trabalho é dedicado a estudar como Jerry Siegel, nas histórias de Superman, escreveu sobr...
Estudo sobre a publicação nacional dos super-heróis dos comic books dos EUA pela Editora Brasil-Amér...
Submitted by Biblioteca Central ( on 2019-10-11T17:52:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 ...
A década de 1980: O gênero Superhero experimenta a transformação mais significativa desde a criação ...
In this article we will use the essay mode to explain the market games present in the communication ...
Neste artigo são abordadas características temáticas e formais presentes nas histórias em quadrinhos...
Stan Lee was one of the most important persons to graphic novel and popular culture universes betwee...
O artigo aborda a história do surgimento das revistas em quadrinhos, em particular das revistas de s...
Through a basic chronological construction of the production and editing of American comics of the 1...
The representative figure of the mythological hero has an important significance for any and all soc...
Science fiction and comic books share similarities and can even overlap: there is science fiction in...
Este artigo abordará o surgimento de super-heróis brasileiros calcados nos moldes estadunidenses no ...
The first comic book with fictional representation of super powers, Action Comics nº1, is the result...
Partindo do ponto que o homem é considerado um ser simbólico e influenciado diretamente pelos aspect...
Captain America was created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. However, Stan Lee plays a key role ...
O presente trabalho é dedicado a estudar como Jerry Siegel, nas histórias de Superman, escreveu sobr...
Estudo sobre a publicação nacional dos super-heróis dos comic books dos EUA pela Editora Brasil-Amér...
Submitted by Biblioteca Central ( on 2019-10-11T17:52:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 ...