In this paper, we review one of the oldest paradigms used in animal cognition: the detour paradigm. The paradigm presents the subject with a situation where a direct route to the goal is blocked and a detour must be made to reach it. Often being an ecologically valid and a versatile tool, the detour paradigm has been used to study diverse cognitive skills like insight, social learning, inhibitory control and route planning. Due to the relative ease of administrating detour tasks, the paradigm has lately been used in large-scale comparative studies in order to investigate the evolution of inhibitory control. Here we review the detour paradigm and some of its cognitive requirements, we identify various ecological and contextual factors that m...
The ‘detour task’ assesses spatial problem-solving abilities, requiring the subject to travel around...
Integrating diverse concepts from animal behavior, movement ecology, and machine learning, we develo...
When faced with potential predators, animals instinctively decide whether there is a threat they sho...
In this paper, we review one of the oldest paradigms used in animal cognition: the detour paradigm. ...
Organisms must cope with different risk/reward landscapes in their ecological niche. Hence, species ...
Organisms must cope with different risk/reward landscapes in their ecological niche. Hence, species ...
To be useful in psychology "artificial organisms" have to perform tasks comparable to those performe...
<div><p>Detour tasks are commonly used to study problem solving skills and inhibitory control in can...
Detour tasks are commonly used to study problem solving skills and inhibitory control in canids and ...
Detour behaviour is the ability of an animal to reach a goal stimulus by moving round any interposed...
Navigation, the ability to organize behavior adaptively to move from one place to another, appeared ...
Adapting behavior to accommodate changes in the environment is an important function of the nervous ...
Cognition, defined as the processes concerned with the acquisition, retention and use of information...
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Royal Society via the DO...
Uncovering the mechanisms and implications of natural behavior is a goal that unites many fields of ...
The ‘detour task’ assesses spatial problem-solving abilities, requiring the subject to travel around...
Integrating diverse concepts from animal behavior, movement ecology, and machine learning, we develo...
When faced with potential predators, animals instinctively decide whether there is a threat they sho...
In this paper, we review one of the oldest paradigms used in animal cognition: the detour paradigm. ...
Organisms must cope with different risk/reward landscapes in their ecological niche. Hence, species ...
Organisms must cope with different risk/reward landscapes in their ecological niche. Hence, species ...
To be useful in psychology "artificial organisms" have to perform tasks comparable to those performe...
<div><p>Detour tasks are commonly used to study problem solving skills and inhibitory control in can...
Detour tasks are commonly used to study problem solving skills and inhibitory control in canids and ...
Detour behaviour is the ability of an animal to reach a goal stimulus by moving round any interposed...
Navigation, the ability to organize behavior adaptively to move from one place to another, appeared ...
Adapting behavior to accommodate changes in the environment is an important function of the nervous ...
Cognition, defined as the processes concerned with the acquisition, retention and use of information...
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Royal Society via the DO...
Uncovering the mechanisms and implications of natural behavior is a goal that unites many fields of ...
The ‘detour task’ assesses spatial problem-solving abilities, requiring the subject to travel around...
Integrating diverse concepts from animal behavior, movement ecology, and machine learning, we develo...
When faced with potential predators, animals instinctively decide whether there is a threat they sho...