ABSTRACTThis research empasizes on digging the consept of Syat{ah{at of Sufis where several tasawuf companion showed their psychological condition up on paradoct position, switces themselves on God position. Then, trought researching on Syat{ah{at of Sufis in psychological approach, researcher found several conclusions; i.e. (a) etimologically, Syat}ah}at means shaking (al-h}arakah); (b) terminologigally, Syat{ah{at of Sufis means any speeches that stranged to be heard by its audience when Sufis reached wajd or wujud level. The factors that force the Sufis said Syat{ah{at were: (1) the strong emotional feelings and rumbled spiritual extasy (wajd), (2) experiences self unification (ittih}ad), (3) Sufis are in extacy condition (sakr), (4) Suf...