AbstractSiska. 2021. “Tabu Words in Sanggau Malay Dialect in Bonti Village: Sociolinguistic Studies”. Thesis. Indonesian Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Tanjungpura University. Advisor I: Dr. Patriantoro, M. Hum. And Advisor II: Agus Syahrani, S. Pd., MMS Ling. This study aims to describe the classification of taboo words in BMDS based on Frazer's opinion, references to euphemisms for taboo words in BMDS according to Wijana and Rohmadi, and plans for implementing taboo words in BMDS in learning in SMP class VII semester I. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The form of research is qualitative. Using a sociolinguistic approach. The da...