The miniaturization of transistors and the high density of integrated circuits makes conventional transistors reach a size limit, causing leakage currents, unstable performance, and increasing production cost. Spin field effect transistors (SFETs) based on spintronics use electron spin as an information carrier and regulate electron spin degree of freedom for storing and processing information. As a class of spintronics, Rashba spin–orbit coupling (SOC) effect attracts increasing attention because of its electric tunability. SFETs based on Rashba SOC and two-dimensional materials will make a qualitative leap in future semiconductor devices. Based on first-principles calculations, it is found that the applied strains along zigzag (ZZ), armch...
Recent studies on the Rashba effect on surfaces are reviewed. The Rashba effect refers to the k-depe...
Magnetothermal Electrical devices are the prominent systems to generate electrical energy from heat ...
p. 1-6A spin-dependent variational theory is used to analyze the Rashba spin-orbit splitting in two-...
The next-generation spintronic device demands the gated control of spin transport across the semicon...
The spatial fluctuation of the Rashba parameter has been a major issue in the development of state-o...
Rashba spin splitting is a two-dimensional (2D) relativistic effect closely related to spintronics. ...
Interlocking between spin and the crystal momentum of electrons resulting from the spin-orbit coupli...
Xiao, John Q.Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is a relativistic interaction between spin and orbital moment...
We present a theory for two recent experiments in bulk strained semiconductors and show that a new, ...
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) possess intrinsic spin–orbit interaction (SOI) with high pot...
Two-dimensional materials with Rashba split bands near the Fermi level are key to developing upcomin...
We investigate theoretically the efficiency of the Rashba effect, i.e. the spin-orbit splitting res...
Spintronic devices rely on the spin degree of freedom (DOF), and spin orbit coupling (SOC) is the ke...
In spintronic devices, the two main approaches to actively control the electrons' spin degree of fre...
Spintronic devices rely on the spin degree of freedom (DOF), and spin orbit coupling (SOC) is the ke...
Recent studies on the Rashba effect on surfaces are reviewed. The Rashba effect refers to the k-depe...
Magnetothermal Electrical devices are the prominent systems to generate electrical energy from heat ...
p. 1-6A spin-dependent variational theory is used to analyze the Rashba spin-orbit splitting in two-...
The next-generation spintronic device demands the gated control of spin transport across the semicon...
The spatial fluctuation of the Rashba parameter has been a major issue in the development of state-o...
Rashba spin splitting is a two-dimensional (2D) relativistic effect closely related to spintronics. ...
Interlocking between spin and the crystal momentum of electrons resulting from the spin-orbit coupli...
Xiao, John Q.Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is a relativistic interaction between spin and orbital moment...
We present a theory for two recent experiments in bulk strained semiconductors and show that a new, ...
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) possess intrinsic spin–orbit interaction (SOI) with high pot...
Two-dimensional materials with Rashba split bands near the Fermi level are key to developing upcomin...
We investigate theoretically the efficiency of the Rashba effect, i.e. the spin-orbit splitting res...
Spintronic devices rely on the spin degree of freedom (DOF), and spin orbit coupling (SOC) is the ke...
In spintronic devices, the two main approaches to actively control the electrons' spin degree of fre...
Spintronic devices rely on the spin degree of freedom (DOF), and spin orbit coupling (SOC) is the ke...
Recent studies on the Rashba effect on surfaces are reviewed. The Rashba effect refers to the k-depe...
Magnetothermal Electrical devices are the prominent systems to generate electrical energy from heat ...
p. 1-6A spin-dependent variational theory is used to analyze the Rashba spin-orbit splitting in two-...